

Friday, August 9, 2013


 Hey Loves!!!Holy Moly has it been a while since I last posted!It feels like for ever and now that I finally feel good and have energey to try posting it never fails its back to another chemo round and the next part of my treatments.

Buuuuut on the bright side guess what?! I got the first part of my stem cell treatment out of the way YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!
So basically loooooooooong story short the last I updated you guys was that i was going back in for a third round of chemo but what I Never got to mention was I got soooooo sick this time and thats why I've been out for a while!
Shortly after coming home after that last round of chemo my blood count dropped so low I lended up getting rushed to the hospitol.

I started of with a 103.4 fever and as soon as I got to the hospital I went into shock.
It took 2 nurses and my Mom to try and hold me down because my body was shaking so much ugh!
Seriously one of the most scariest moments in my life questioning if I would make it through or not, but thank God helped me through and was able to get through it.

They lended up getting my blood count back to normal after 4 blood transfusions a whole lot of platlets, magnesium, potassuim, and a whole load of antibiotics. It was then I was able to start the stem cell harvest!
They collected 5 million stem cells and I was able to come home for a couple of days but now its time to go back :( waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

Its really hard leaving when you know what you are walking into and im dreading it!
Especially because today is my Beautiful nieces birthday and it breaks my heart knowing I cant be with her today!!!!
Shes like a daughther to me and Ive never been away from her more than a week, and here I go leaving her on her birthday for a month!

Well loves gotta go im late wish me good luck!!
Untill next time!
Make sure to check out the new youtube vid!!!!.
Youtube Name: Liv Vee