

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Welcome Back!

Who ever said life throws you a curve ball lied, that was an understatement! Life doesn't throw you curve balls, it throws you ASTROIDS!!!! Hey Loves!! Guess whoooooose back!! To all my old readers who I, as you already know refer to you as my loves, & to all the new readers that may lend up stumbling upon this, Welcome!! All you loves don't know how awesome you guys are! Thank you for always keeping updated and for all the support you have given me since I first started this here blog. It means the world to me, for REAL that you all take time out to check out all new posts and for keeping updated. All the Messages,comments,fundraisers and most of all Prayers were a HUGE part of overcoming my battle, so know that I never take anyone of you for granted. I have so much love for you all!
< Now for those who havent followed along and missed the journey of my battle, feel free to look up those posts if youd like, You can find them on the right side column of this blog under Blog Archive or at the very bottom of the page you can click on older posts. So if your interested get yourself on over there and check them out to come upto date!I aint going any where so take your time and read it at your own pase. Now most of you know that its been the craziest & hardest 2 years of my life, like I said before life doesnt just throw curve balls it throws astroids. If being diagnosed, going through treatments, loosing my hair and all that stuff & more wasn't enough to make my world fall apart I lost some of the most precious people to me in my life which pretty much just shatterd not only my life into pieces but also my heart. Because of everything going on it was and still is a very depressing time for me and my family, it's hard to get used to all the changes. Especially when we found out my Dad was diagnosed with early stages of the same exact cancer I had, 1 week after I was told I was in remission (clear of my disease). Although I was sooo happy for me it was hard to be celebrating knowing everything I worked so hard to get rid of in my life left me & into my dad. This is something I would wish on no one & for it to come back like this, it was just something I had a hard time accepting. So Full of mixed emotions it was alot to handle & decided it was time to take a break off of everything & start to focuse on recovering and trying to start over. I am now here 3 months later & boy have things changed! I thank God for every day I wake up and for him allowing me to be part of another day in this world. Things are looking up & Im sooooo excited to see whats instore for the future! & Drum roll pleaaase . . . . Im so excited to share with you all FINALLY its here!!!
< April 2014 My clothing line Chromatic L'Amour Will FINALLY launch! Words cant describe how blessed proud & excited Iam right now!!! Thank you Lord Jesus!! God is good!!! There has been sooooo many ups and downs as y'all know to finally announce its here is the most accomplished feeling ever!! Alot of people said I wasn't sick or that there was a high chance I would not be here right now. They also said I woud never Make it this far, Well to all those people and to those who say Miracles arent real "YOUR LOOKING AT ONE!!!" Not only am I "CANCER FREE" but I started my own clothing company while I was sick so that I could make a difference in this world to spread the word of cancer awarenes & help others that needed help like I did. For every purchase made there will be a donation that goes to cancer research and helping cancer patients. This event in my life means so much to me its something I've dreamed of my whole life it feels like its all a dream. It just goes to show that all the hard work, blood,sweat,tears & hater comments paid off!! Thank you Haters hahaha!! If it wasnt for all your negativity I wouldnt be as pumped driven & motivated to prove your lame asses wrong! To all those out there who are following there dreams or trying to accomplish something whether its getting through high school,or going out to start your own buisness or catch your dream, do it!!! There is no reason why you cant do it. there will be many ups downs & astroids to try and ruin your plans but if your pure of heart and truly love what your doing, who else other than God on your side do you need. No matter what happens you will lend up where ur suppost to be, & I truley belive that is whats happening in my life right now.
" I dont know where tomorrow will lead or even next year. I could die when I'm young or live till im old. But the one thing I know for sure is I will never stop fighting!"-Liv Vee