

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Stars Need the Dark To Shine

Sooooo lately I've been completely under the weather with the worst cold ever bleeeeeh. Couldn't really hold anything down for the first couple of days, along with the whole stuffy and runny nose ugh!! Not Bueno and most of all not fun. Then it turned into the cough from hell which I still have and it has been driving me insane keeping me up at night with body aches. It has gotten a lil better but I really thought it be gone by now, its been a whole week and im already over it!! Not to mention I assumed I be better so saved my Christmas shopping to last minute, yuuuup BAD IDEA haha!! So goal of today will be finishing up shopping and then SLEEP!!!Haha!!
On other things as usual never as I plan do things go the way I think they might go. Which is something I've learned repeatedly through my life even more so now haha! I can sit here and talk about what has gone wrong but it'll just put me into more of a funk and its just the way things are.
Usually I always say be positive and keep going and its true you have to be, but its also ok to have a moment where you just kick and scream and possibly even cry out of pure frustration with the world I know im at the point. But the one thing that always makes me feel better is knowing we all have to go through hard times in order to appreciate and really enjoy the true blessings in life. Like this lil quote up above, there will always be dark times but that's what makes us who we are and what makes us shine the most. Sooooooo just sayin y'all are gonna need some major dark sunglasses when I walk by hahaha!!
Recently Ive been stuggling with a lot of emotions on alot of different things and usually im very open on here telling you alls bouts it but there are some things I like to keep private and to be honest im just pretty much ready for a new year!!! (WHOS WITH ME!!) Its been a struggle these last couple of weeks and im just soooooo blessed I have the best fuuur babeh ever to keep me company!!! I love my Pixie Rose!!! Shes the only one I truly just have a soft spot for shes so cute and cuddly and of course how could I not love being a Momma!!! Its hard at times and I will so argue that having her is just like a real child cleaning up after her, running after her, feeding her bathing her I mean its like a real baby! Also I will say I went kinda overboared with her Christmas gifts hahaha cant wait to have our very first Christmas together!!!

But over all it tis almost Christmas and I just want to focuse on counting my blessings and spending the holidays with my family because that's all I want for Christmas!

Will Always be in My Heart

It's still with a heavy heart to know you are not here with us anymore. I know for a fact that you are absolutely not in pain or suffering because your an Angel now. You were always sooo kind and sweet, I will always remember and most of all miss our little talks about all kinds of things especially our fav foods haha! It makes me sad to think that someone as special as you, is not here because you where a huge piece of the sunshine that we have in this world. But I can honestly say I 'am so truly blessed and honored that I had the pleasure of meeting and knowing you in my life.
I will always keep you in my heart and will always continue to remember you as the kind and sweet women that you will always be. You will always be an inspiration to me and although you no longer are here physically I know you'll be around in spirit. And yes you were right! I guess pink is a pretty color, I do like it after all and every time I wear pink I will think of you!!