

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Stars Need the Dark To Shine

Sooooo lately I've been completely under the weather with the worst cold ever bleeeeeh. Couldn't really hold anything down for the first couple of days, along with the whole stuffy and runny nose ugh!! Not Bueno and most of all not fun. Then it turned into the cough from hell which I still have and it has been driving me insane keeping me up at night with body aches. It has gotten a lil better but I really thought it be gone by now, its been a whole week and im already over it!! Not to mention I assumed I be better so saved my Christmas shopping to last minute, yuuuup BAD IDEA haha!! So goal of today will be finishing up shopping and then SLEEP!!!Haha!!
On other things as usual never as I plan do things go the way I think they might go. Which is something I've learned repeatedly through my life even more so now haha! I can sit here and talk about what has gone wrong but it'll just put me into more of a funk and its just the way things are.
Usually I always say be positive and keep going and its true you have to be, but its also ok to have a moment where you just kick and scream and possibly even cry out of pure frustration with the world I know im at the point. But the one thing that always makes me feel better is knowing we all have to go through hard times in order to appreciate and really enjoy the true blessings in life. Like this lil quote up above, there will always be dark times but that's what makes us who we are and what makes us shine the most. Sooooooo just sayin y'all are gonna need some major dark sunglasses when I walk by hahaha!!
Recently Ive been stuggling with a lot of emotions on alot of different things and usually im very open on here telling you alls bouts it but there are some things I like to keep private and to be honest im just pretty much ready for a new year!!! (WHOS WITH ME!!) Its been a struggle these last couple of weeks and im just soooooo blessed I have the best fuuur babeh ever to keep me company!!! I love my Pixie Rose!!! Shes the only one I truly just have a soft spot for shes so cute and cuddly and of course how could I not love being a Momma!!! Its hard at times and I will so argue that having her is just like a real child cleaning up after her, running after her, feeding her bathing her I mean its like a real baby! Also I will say I went kinda overboared with her Christmas gifts hahaha cant wait to have our very first Christmas together!!!

But over all it tis almost Christmas and I just want to focuse on counting my blessings and spending the holidays with my family because that's all I want for Christmas!

Will Always be in My Heart

It's still with a heavy heart to know you are not here with us anymore. I know for a fact that you are absolutely not in pain or suffering because your an Angel now. You were always sooo kind and sweet, I will always remember and most of all miss our little talks about all kinds of things especially our fav foods haha! It makes me sad to think that someone as special as you, is not here because you where a huge piece of the sunshine that we have in this world. But I can honestly say I 'am so truly blessed and honored that I had the pleasure of meeting and knowing you in my life.
I will always keep you in my heart and will always continue to remember you as the kind and sweet women that you will always be. You will always be an inspiration to me and although you no longer are here physically I know you'll be around in spirit. And yes you were right! I guess pink is a pretty color, I do like it after all and every time I wear pink I will think of you!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving Loves! It is truly a day to count our blessings and to be honest I think every day should be like Thanksgiving! Not for the food cause I know for a fact my thighs couldn't take it, but for the Love and thankfulness of appreciating life and being surrounded by the people you love most! Im truly blessed beyond my wildest dreams that God gave me the gift of a second chance at life and It brings me to my knees with tears that im so lucky he chose me to keep going and make a difference through my experience!! Even though it was hard, this path he chose me to go on is what Im meant to live for!! And for that I will be forever be grateful, blessed, and thankful!!!
And above all im soooooooooo thankful for the people in my life!! You know who you are all my fam friends and supporters!! I could not express the love I have for all of you its true! I know I say this all the time but there will never be any word to describe the fact that you guys are pure awesome, and how blessed I am that some how some way we have crossed paths in our lifes!! I have met sooo many other people recently especially through my journey with battling cancer and I cherish each and every one of you!! You are all so diff and so unique to just have the honor of having you in my life is just the best And I wouldn't change it for anything thing in the world!! Sooooo on that note lets give thanks to God for all the things he has done for us!! And remember loves, there will always be things in our life that aren't perfect, there will be hard times, even people who come into our life's who are absolutely not the nicest or positive energy to come into our life to say the least BUUUUUUUT! Remember its all for a reason even if you cant see it. Everything and every one is meant to cross paths or happen for a reason. So every day that you wake up be thankful no matter what happens your still breathing!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Never Apologize

There's to many beautiful things in life to see and experience as well as beautiful people to meet. Maybe not every little thing or people you meet might be positive to you, but why blame yourself for trying to see the good in people or in certain situations. Life is to short to be wasting time and be boring. Be free and Be yourself because it's then that you'll live with no regrets surrounded by those who you not only love and cherish, but by those who truly love and cherish you! - Liv Vee XOXOXO

Monday, November 17, 2014

ER Visit

Sooooo Lately with life I think its safe to say its been pretty random if I do say so myself. There's been a lot of doors that have opened up to me and for the first time im excited to go in to every single one with my head held up high and strong to see what's inside! Buuuuuuut, which im sure you loves as well as I know throughout life not all doors you walk into have the best things in them to find BUT HEY!!! I do believe every thing happens for a reason so if there's a door open why not go through it if its meant to lead you to where your destined to be am I right!? There's no use just waiting and standing there for a pointless amount of long time if eventually your going to have walk through it, plus I mean its life sooooo you kinda don't have a choice really hahaha. In this case one of my doors was the ER and its something I was hoping I wouldn't have to see at all or at least for a long period of time but yuuuup it happens.
I Can Not at all THANK GOD enough for it not being something too extremely severe!! It never fails that even in the most darkest, scariest, paranoid and stressful times God is always there not to just walk me through the storm but he carries me through the storm!! It started off with extreme jabbing pains on my side which would randomly come and go. At first I thought maybe its just something I ate and the usual stomach ache. But then it started to become even more painful to the point where even walking and breathing was painful and it was then I knew it wasn't just something to brush off lightly that it would go away. Of course with my past history of having a tumor behind my stomach along with some on my side I freaked! I was really good and calm in the beginning until the doctor kept ordering more test due to him not knowing what it was. Oooooh maaaah goooosh!! It was the looooongest flippen 5 hours everrrrrrrrr!!! Plus it didn't help that I had a lets just say not so nice in the beginning nurse who eventually lightened up after I spoke to her. Nooooooooo I didnt slap her if thats what you were thinking hahaha(Iknow I wanted to) i didn't, I was actually very nice. When someone is being grouchy when you arent feelin good there's absolutely nothing wrong with putting a smile on your face and making sure that they know its not very nice to act that way with a patient! So She became nicer hahah!! Back to the point hahah it was just a really weird and of course rare stomach thing that is super rare, in fact so rare that all that's even in the Doctor's manual is treat with ibuprofen.
Its extremely painful but hey I'll take it if its nothing to worry about and it should go away in a couple of days!! I wont go into great detail cause It'll be boring facts you don't really want to read about, but lets just say even though it sucked I did get a good laugh out of it even if my stomach did hurt from laughing to hard!! Just knowing it wasn't the Hodgkins again I felt like the whole world weight on my shoulders had lifted and I could breathe again! My doc was so chill & the funniest thing at explaining what it was by drawing it out on a blanket which I thought was awesome he took the time to really explain, "it wasn't bad but it wasn't good but more good than bad" due to the pain. But just the way he used all kinds of things in the room to explain it, including using my jacket even his hair hahahaha!!! That alone made me feel better!! So who ever you are Mr.Doctor Dude you rock! Im just so thankful the pain is finally going away and I can start to get off bed rest!!!! It will be a memory I hold with me forever and it will be known as the ER visit that was extremely painful not serious but made me laugh all the way back to the car! I guess I have a pretty good story to tell my Grand Kids now!! hahaha!!! Hope you loves are havin a great day!!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Halloween 2014

Hey Loves!!! So a lil on the late side but Happy HALLOWEEN! Well not that's a surprise from me being late on posting lol Buuuuuut hope y'all had a safe and awesome SCAREY Halloween!!! What were you loves?! Can you guess what I was without looking below???!!! Well if not heres just a few pics of some of the things I was this year!
I don't know bout you guys but I love Halloween!!! Its one of my fav days throughout the year and of course I had to go all out and go bonkers! It is my first year of Halloween in 3 years and 1st year cancer free!!!!
These last few years were exteremly hard when I wasn't able to go really celebrate due to being sick and or in treatment. So this year it was such a blessing to finally have some fun!
And of course who else was I going to spend it with than non other these Gals!!! Was a night full of major dorky Halloween fun and I cant help but feel like we still havent grown up haha! Screaming contest and all was a very successful fun night until it started pouring rain non stop!!!
I mean don't get me wrong I love the rain but in the middle of the street with shorts and no jacket and a face full of paint I think maybe not the best time for rain hahah but regardless it was still a perfect night and boy do we need the water!! Considering we are in a drought It was a very good thing and hey you know what the rain even helped me be the biggest scare of the night!! We all forgot I had face paint on so in the rush of running back into the car with turned on lights My dripping face sure gave us including me a scare hahahahahahaha!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Beetle Juice!! Beetle Juice!!! Beetle Juice!!

Hey Loves!! So it has finally HAPPEND!!!! Yuuuuup . . . . I got to see mah main squeeze mah man on the big screen and his name is!!!!!
Went to Cinespia for the screening of beetle juice and yeaaaaaaas was AMAYZING!!!! Best part was of course it was in a Cemetery!!!! I cant help but feel bad I was havin a lil to much fun in the cemetery buuuut I consider it as I had some wine and had a Cheers to the dead and celebrated the fact that there is life after death. And Halloween the best day ever is coming and its a time to honor the dead sooooo what better way than to watch a movie in a cemetery. I of course loved it!! I love those movies and all that stuff watched those movies from when I was super young and even stll now haha! When most girls were fan girling over backstreet boys or who ever I was crushin on Beetlejuice! MY first crush was Jack the skeleton on Nightmare before Christmas, then Edward Scissor Hand, Beetlejuice I mean the list goes on but unfortunately I don't know why there aren't any real men like them in the world but you know a girl can dream right!!! hahahaha!
So in the spirit of the night it was a good time watchin one of my fav movies and walkin through the Hollywood Forever Cemetery with some of my fav people!!! Love you guys had a great time! Always love chillin with my BFF who I refer as My Bro!!! As you may not know so I will tell you right here right now! she is bonkers! and flippen hella fun!! I love that girl we have been friends for years and I couldn't imagine not havin my bestie!!! Love you!!! Plus I mean we have the best Car rides you should hear our interesting convos hahahaha!! Cant wait Till the next Adventure!!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Celebration Of Life

You know loves life is funny, well maybe not all the time cause obviously we all know it is a pain in the . . . well you know haha! But sometimes I just look at my surroundings and I cant help just look up to the big blue sky and feel so blessed! The man upstairs really does work in mysterious ways and yuuup its true he does have a plan for all of us, even if at the time we sometimes cant see it.
I was so fortunate and blessed and of course Honored when I was invited to go to a Celebration event for all the Transplant Survivors At Cedars Sinai this weekend! Its something that I was so excited about and it was truly so much an honor to even be there let alone be apart of it! There will never be any type of word or phrase or even saying that I could possibly come up with in this world that would ever come close to show even the slightest bit of Love and tremendous amount of Respect I have for this man right here!!!!

Docotor Lill was my Transplant Docotor, through my whole entire journey of my stem cell treatment he was there every step of the way and always made sure that if I had any questions they were answered or if I needed anything he made sure to help. Honestly he is one of the most intelligent and caring doctors ever and Im just so honored I had the privilege of being his patient. He and my Oncologist are the 2 doctors that have saved my life! God lead me to them and I could not be any more blessed than Iam to have had their care and come out Cancer free! Im soooooooo blessed for staying at Cedars, but above all just unbelievably blessed for being taken care of by Lil and his team during my stem cell treatment!!! Every one of his Partner Doctors and Nurses and Assistants that have helped me I just adore them! They went out of their way every single day I was there to help make me feel at home and comfortable awwwwwwww man ima cry oooooook . . . haha!! Ugggggggh!!! holding back the tears y'all its hard to even type right now I just really am so thankful I am!!! And like I said theres no words to describe or show my appreciation towards every single one of them all I can say Is I will always ALWAYS remember and have love for them especially Dr. Lill all I can say is THANK YOU!!!!!! You will for ever have so much love and respect from my family and I thank you for having us!!!
(Was such a beautiful event!!! Was honored to hear stories of other survivors and I just Have so much respect for all the other Transplant Survivors and ther families!!!!!!)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Shots! Shots! Shots!

Hey Loves! So Happy Monday! I don't know bout you but I know I woke up super early and got a lot done today, but its still Monday and im already tired and counting down to the weekend! Buuuuut in the mist of things I did something really important today! I got Shots!!!!! Nooooooooope! not those kind of shots!
                                                              These kind of shots!
You know the ones that you hope and then start pray that its not a large needle and that it wont hurt. Well it tis the season to get yo flu shot on so take caution and make sure to get your self one loves! Of course not until talking to your doc about it first. I was very surprised that it didn't hurt as much though so I was happy! I was even happier when I found out it was goin on both my arms instead of my butt cheeks!! hahaha! But the medical assistant I had was nice and it was quick and painless so thank you Mr. Sir!! Also it was fun to have me mommy come all the way along and have her watch me squirm! Precious Mother daughter moments!!! Hahaha!!
(look Ma saaaaaay Cheese!!)

Friday, October 10, 2014


Hey Loves hope y'all are havin a fab week! Its been a pretty crazy week over here and all I can say is who's ready for the weekend cause I know I'am!!! Been over loaded with doc appointments, puppy mommy duties, moving, and working on some side projects and blah blah blah so yaaaay for the weekend! Untill it starts all over with Monday again ha! So first off before I get off subject and on to other thaaangs (which ya know I will ha!) I thought I give you loves an Update on Chromatic L'Amour I know I've been getting a lot of you asking what's next or what's been goin on.
Sooooo Recently as I said on other recent posts I've been focusing on just getting all the "Comfort Kits" together and speaking of which they are almost all delivered!! YAAAAY!! We recently did one large delivery at an Oncology center which is on a recent post if you haven't seen it already feel free to scroll on down to that post. We also did 2 special deliveries which are also on recent posts below if ya like to see. In the beginning as you guys are aware I wanted to start the website easy breezy done buy our merch online no prob. But then to my SURPRISE Chromatic started to get so much hype in so many diff areas I decided just to be a touring clothing line selling at diff events which has worked out very well and duuuh how can I not love it when I gets to meet all you LOVELY LOVES!!! Buuuuuut I do want to expand even more in the future however, so yes I will open up a online website buuuuut to give you an specific time im soooooooorrry I cant. I knooooow I knoooooooow believe me I got all kinds of msgs and emails and comments asking why we cant just sell online and be normal hahaha and I sometimes feel the same way too but right now its what we are doin and its just what feels right for right now. We recently have been getting really amazing offers to sell our stuff in stores and have been asked to come to events and speak which is really awesome. As well as having an event of our own which was something we were so looking forward to buuuuut plans changed. We are all about Spreading Cancer Awareness and trying to get as much donations as we can for the "Comfort Kits" and the deals we were getting offered for certain things just didn't allow us to focus on just that. So we decided to go our separate ways, Which if I could say so myself I mean yea it sucks but we aren't a sell out, we don't do it for fame or money so when the times right with the right people who knows what will happen; but until then as long as we are doing what we love and still making a difference that's all that matters. As far as upcoming events for Chromatic I will say that I do hope to do something soon and I will of course let you know but in the meantime im working on some new designs and some new projects, as well as delivering our last set of "Comfort Kits".
  And as far as in the mix of all that recently I've been extremely stressed to the max because of a lot of things which isn't new, but One thing I ask you Loves is to Please Pray for my Grandfather. He has been in the hospital for a while now and my fam and I would really appreciate it! Also as those of you who know me know that my father is also a cancer patient, he was diagnosed with the same Cancer I was a week after I was clear of it, and and he is having some really important tests done so also please I ask that you keep him in your prayers as well. It Would be sooo much appreciated! And as of lately with me and my health I also had a recent breast Cancer scare again. Was feeling a lot pain in my breast and had to get checked and tested for that and thank God im clear for now and im just keeping up with doc appointments and being closely watched. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut as things always happen for a reason this scare happened in October and you all know what that means!!! Drum Roll!!!!!!!!!!!
Yuuuuuuup its time to get your pink on!!!! Come on ya heard me ladies and gents it is October and it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!! One in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Also Although breast cancer in men is rare, an estimated 2,150 men will be diagnosed a year. Breast cancer is something that has effected the women in my family as well as some of my dearest close friends! Breast Cancer also effects a lot of our Chromatic L'Amour Supporters and I wish its something that would not only stop in the Chromatic Family but world wide! Along with the rest of other cancers!!!! Remember Loves Cancer doesn't care who you are what race or even what age. So please make sure to always stay on top of those docs appointments! Also help spread Awareness by spreading the word! Wear pink in honor of this month or Post something to show you care and help make a difference!!