

Monday, November 17, 2014

ER Visit

Sooooo Lately with life I think its safe to say its been pretty random if I do say so myself. There's been a lot of doors that have opened up to me and for the first time im excited to go in to every single one with my head held up high and strong to see what's inside! Buuuuuuut, which im sure you loves as well as I know throughout life not all doors you walk into have the best things in them to find BUT HEY!!! I do believe every thing happens for a reason so if there's a door open why not go through it if its meant to lead you to where your destined to be am I right!? There's no use just waiting and standing there for a pointless amount of long time if eventually your going to have walk through it, plus I mean its life sooooo you kinda don't have a choice really hahaha. In this case one of my doors was the ER and its something I was hoping I wouldn't have to see at all or at least for a long period of time but yuuuup it happens.
I Can Not at all THANK GOD enough for it not being something too extremely severe!! It never fails that even in the most darkest, scariest, paranoid and stressful times God is always there not to just walk me through the storm but he carries me through the storm!! It started off with extreme jabbing pains on my side which would randomly come and go. At first I thought maybe its just something I ate and the usual stomach ache. But then it started to become even more painful to the point where even walking and breathing was painful and it was then I knew it wasn't just something to brush off lightly that it would go away. Of course with my past history of having a tumor behind my stomach along with some on my side I freaked! I was really good and calm in the beginning until the doctor kept ordering more test due to him not knowing what it was. Oooooh maaaah goooosh!! It was the looooongest flippen 5 hours everrrrrrrrr!!! Plus it didn't help that I had a lets just say not so nice in the beginning nurse who eventually lightened up after I spoke to her. Nooooooooo I didnt slap her if thats what you were thinking hahaha(Iknow I wanted to) i didn't, I was actually very nice. When someone is being grouchy when you arent feelin good there's absolutely nothing wrong with putting a smile on your face and making sure that they know its not very nice to act that way with a patient! So She became nicer hahah!! Back to the point hahah it was just a really weird and of course rare stomach thing that is super rare, in fact so rare that all that's even in the Doctor's manual is treat with ibuprofen.
Its extremely painful but hey I'll take it if its nothing to worry about and it should go away in a couple of days!! I wont go into great detail cause It'll be boring facts you don't really want to read about, but lets just say even though it sucked I did get a good laugh out of it even if my stomach did hurt from laughing to hard!! Just knowing it wasn't the Hodgkins again I felt like the whole world weight on my shoulders had lifted and I could breathe again! My doc was so chill & the funniest thing at explaining what it was by drawing it out on a blanket which I thought was awesome he took the time to really explain, "it wasn't bad but it wasn't good but more good than bad" due to the pain. But just the way he used all kinds of things in the room to explain it, including using my jacket even his hair hahahaha!!! That alone made me feel better!! So who ever you are Mr.Doctor Dude you rock! Im just so thankful the pain is finally going away and I can start to get off bed rest!!!! It will be a memory I hold with me forever and it will be known as the ER visit that was extremely painful not serious but made me laugh all the way back to the car! I guess I have a pretty good story to tell my Grand Kids now!! hahaha!!! Hope you loves are havin a great day!!!

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