
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Things Happen Man
To all my readers & to all our supporters from Chromatic L'Amour, I want to take the time out to update you all on whats been goin on round here and most of all to tell you how much each and everyone of you are appreciated!!
If you follow me or Chromatic L'Amour on instagram you already know I decided to push back our launching date and that it will no longer be on April 1st. I first just want to say im sorry to all those we have told it would be on April 1st, our original plan was to launch our website and for all you lovely people to purchase Chromatic L'Amour merchandise here in California and mostly in our local area. Chromatic L'Amour I always assumed wld be a small buisness I could run locally
and as long as I did what I loved doing and helped spread cancer awarness thats all that ever mattered. Never in a milion years would I have imagined that I be getting people not only in our area but out of state and even in different countries anticipating our clothing line. Have been getting so many emails and msgs from all kinds of new supporters and I could not be any more shocked and excited. It means sooooo much that you guys are actually taking the time out to write and say how much your looking foward to the launch! I just really want you all to know I appreciate every single one of you,I have the most awesome supporters and for that I could not thank you guys enough!!! But what I can do is make sure that I do everything possible so that I provide the best service and qaulity to you guys!! Thats whats most important & that is why I pushed back the launching date not only so we have more time to prep but to improve for your benefit!! As you already probebly assumed yes, we are expanding where we sell our merchandise!!!! Yaaaaaaay!!!
Now I know you all are wondering what day exactly we now will be launching, also alot of you are asking where it is exactly we are selling? what are our prices? what is our store website? All those questions I will glady answer for you very soon, I know this is a set back and to ask you guys to wait a litte longer is hard but I promise it will be worth ur while!! Theres alot of new changes for Chromatic L'Amour and so excited to say there will be upcoming events!! So just hold tight they are coming.
Also to all our main supporters who have been waiting and to those supporters who will still stand by us untill we do launch know that we adore you and do notice each and everyone of you. We take the time out to always see what you guys post and tag us in and you guys rock!! So for all of you that suport us and spread the word make sure to tag us or #chromaticlamour especially when we do launch for every one that tags us or posts our flyers or even purchases our items will be put in a Chromatic L'Amour raffel and get the chance to when special prizes!!! The more you tag us and #chromaticlamour or purchase Chromatic L'Amour items, the more your chances go up!!
Although its such an exciting time its also an extremely stressful time. Theres so much to do and I've been puling all nighters and working waaay over time which put me in a bad situation. Ive been feeling really sick again and got a scare!! Although I went to the doctor and so far things are ok my doctor reminded me that im not fully healed nor em I out of the woods yet. Sometimes I get so caught up in work that I forget that im stil bearly just a"RECOVERING CANCER PATIENT." Although I may be cancer free today that doesnt mean I will tomorrow, Im over 90% guarnteed to get breast cancer & a nother form of cancer. Also I have gallstones at this moment. I wont get into detail about all the other side effects im dealing with but just a few to give you a rough estimate of what I deal with on daily basis sometimes while working which makes it really hard, EXTREME tiredness & migrains,dizzy spells,feeling like ima throw up, indigestion,stomach aches i mean those are jst a few.
Im not telling you loves this for pitty but to show why things are so hard and to prove that no matter what I will pull through and get this clothing line out and ready for buisness as fast as I can. Yes there will be set backs such as what happend to us with the launch date but so what I kicked cancers ass and i will tackle every setback and problem head on!! Nothing can stop me when I got God & Jesus on my side whoot whoot!!! Jesus take the steering wheel cause I need all the help I can get!!!!
Advice of the day: Although there may be hard times in such a beautiful day, you shouldnt let that discourage you or ruin your day. Its ok to feel bummed or hurt or even for one second feel sorry for yourself But right after that second make sure to tackle your problems head on and push those probs away and make room for better moments in that day.
just like the man upove hahaha!!!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Listen To Ya Momma
Hey Loves! I hope all you pretty people have been doing well! As for me BOY let me tell ya its been CRAZY over here at this casa of mine. Man when my Momma told me in the hospital a few months back to get my rest up because when I get better and my buisness takes off there wont be time to rest, I laughed and just hoped for better days. Weeeell Momma knows best cause its true I have no time for rest!! hahahaha!! So advice of the day "Listen to your Momma!"
I can not tell you how much is on my plate, well actually plates. They say dont bite of more than you can chew, well lets just say I have to much food & a mouth full of food & ima havet to really work out after this haha!! Im working 24/7 all day every day and there hardly feels like there is any time to just watch STAR WAR MOVIES!!! GRRR!! Jk I always make time for that!! But still you catch my drift.
But basically Loves when it comes down to it at the end of the day I love my job!! The point is that no matter how stressful things are or how hard things get, you cant let that get in the way of what you want or love doing. I mean I wont lie and say its easy, cause let me be the first to tell ya im like the #1 person to stress about the littlest things ever!! But its not worth it!! From what I learned over the past couple of years even the last couple of months and days, stress and worrying about something doesnt help. You just need to dive in and tackle your situation head on, but its ok to always be aware and careful so make sure to do so and get your helmet gear ready haha!
So in case you all been wondering why Ive been kinda not on Insta as much or posting as fast as I usualy do, just know im somewhere hitting my head against the wall wondering "why there isnt more hours in the day!" Its all worth it tho, I do havet to say Im SOOOOOOOOO BLESSED & EXCITED for whats to come! In the works of some HUGE things that I will be soon sharing with y'all, so get ready!!! Pluse also at the same time Im extremely terrified as heck that im on a time crunch for the launching of Chromatic L'Amour while traveling in and out of town promoting!! While on top of trying to stay healthy and keep updated with all blood work, scans testing, and with the stress of everyday waking up scared that my cancer is back. Buuuuut again more than anything like I said its all worth it and even if there is bad with the good its still such a blessing to have gotten this far and be healthy so im just so blessed, God is good!!!
Make sure to Follow me and Chromatic L'Amour on Instagram: @liv_vee @chromaticlamour
& Just FYI to all our followers on insta if you stumble upon this please know that im soooooo Sorry for the technical difficulty we have had these last couple of days. Our first instagram account we started just randomly without permission deleted all of our followers and we there for decided to make a new account: @chromaticlamour to insure this doesnt happen again so know that iam deeply sorry for the inconvenience. But we are back and if you havent done so already make sure to follow us and we will do the same! So see you
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Chromatic L'Amour

Ok Loves Here it is!!! I know some of you been waiting for ever and a day for some sneak peeks of the clothing line! I know I have since waaaaay before I can even remember, Iam so blessed beyond my wildest dreams to have come this far, now not only am I cancer free but having my dreams come true by launching my clothing line!! I seriously have to pinch myself 24/7 because it just feels like im dreaming, Im so excited to show ya guys Sooooo . . . . (drum roll!!!) Here they are just a lil sneaky peeky of whats to come hope you like and enjoy!!
Proud to finally Announce Chromatic L'Amour's First collection "The Black & white Limited Edition Collection" This is the first collection and I could not be more excited bout it!!! All desighns were made while I was first diagnosed, so I based all my thoughts and emotions and poured all my blood sweat and tears into making these desighns.
It was a very depressing and hard time for me and my family and everything just seemed so black and white. It was like the color was stripped from my world and there was hardly any joy then on out. While i was sick loosing my hair with chemo, non stop vomiting and more, I still made it a point to get my self up and go to the computer and work on desighns. I literally had a bucket to puke in one hand and was using the mouse & typing with my other hand. Eighter way it was all worth it!!!
Now I cant wait to make a difference and help others that are going through what I went through!! Im back healthy and ready to start my career while spreading cancer awareness. For every purchase made there will be a donation going towards cancer research and helping cancer patients. So please help spread the word and become a part of the Chromatic L'Amour family and make a difference in style!!!
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