Ok Loves Here it is!!! I know some of you been waiting for ever and a day for some sneak peeks of the clothing line! I know I have since waaaaay before I can even remember, Iam so blessed beyond my wildest dreams to have come this far, now not only am I cancer free but having my dreams come true by launching my clothing line!! I seriously have to pinch myself 24/7 because it just feels like im dreaming, Im so excited to show ya guys Sooooo . . . . (drum roll!!!) Here they are just a lil sneaky peeky of whats to come hope you like and enjoy!!
Proud to finally Announce Chromatic L'Amour's First collection "The Black & white Limited Edition Collection" This is the first collection and I could not be more excited bout it!!! All desighns were made while I was first diagnosed, so I based all my thoughts and emotions and poured all my blood sweat and tears into making these desighns.
It was a very depressing and hard time for me and my family and everything just seemed so black and white. It was like the color was stripped from my world and there was hardly any joy then on out. While i was sick loosing my hair with chemo, non stop vomiting and more, I still made it a point to get my self up and go to the computer and work on desighns. I literally had a bucket to puke in one hand and was using the mouse & typing with my other hand. Eighter way it was all worth it!!!
Now I cant wait to make a difference and help others that are going through what I went through!! Im back healthy and ready to start my career while spreading cancer awareness. For every purchase made there will be a donation going towards cancer research and helping cancer patients. So please help spread the word and become a part of the Chromatic L'Amour family and make a difference in style!!!
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