Hey Loves!!Hope you are all having a lovely evening!!
And incase some of you loves are new readers WELCOME!!! Feel free to scroll on down and catch up on other recent post! Or feel free to read my older post about my journey with battling cancer, which you can find at the right hand side of this page under my About me profile! Or if not that's cool too lol over all I just hope you enjoy visiting on here.
So incase y'all were wondering and noticed I've been sort of (MIA) it's true. I have been missing in action and not posting as much BUT!!! Doesn't mean I forgot bout you beautiful loves NOPE!!! (How could I possibly ever!!) I've just been gathering every bit of pics and juicy stories so that I could have a non stop marathon of posts to share with you that are coming your way!!! YaaaaaaaaY!!
Yes ya heard me its round 2 of my blogging Madness!! I thought it be fun to switch it up a bit and throw some kick pow to this here blog!!! Pics Stories updates and OMG!! Do I Have NEW Youtube vids coming your way????? I think I do!!!! Although I admit Its taken for ever and a day and caused me to not be on for a little, I do apologize but gladly and proudly I say it was for good reasons though!! I've been in the works of going high, low, close and oooooh so faaaaaaaaaaaaar. To search for nothing but the best items to put in all of the "Comfort Kits!!!"
But first things first! Let me just say it hasn't been all fun and games these last few weeks. Say hello to my little pic of me at the ER yeeeees! This so happened and it was not fun.
So as you can see I was in the ER and thank God im ok, non the less it was extremely scary and stressful, and im still in a little pain. (Oh and if your wondering what my older sis is looking at in the pic up above, it was a stain on the wall whoooo knows what that was, but she still sat next to it just so she could come support me at the ER awwww!! Isn't that cute thanks sis! Your the bestest!!) I've been clear for 9 months now without a trace of Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer which I've had in the past!! And although I'm soooo blessed beyond my wildest dreams and sooo thankful to God for another chance at life, unfortunately I still have issues with my health. Due to all of the chemotherapy and radiation I've had in the past, I now have side effects and constantly worry about future procedures I will have to have in the future. As well as always being terrified of relapsing. So as you can imagine being told that eventually not only do I have a 95% chance of having breast cancer and a secondary cancer, of course I freak out anytime I feel sick or have pain any where in my body! Especially these past few days of non stop stomach pains. They were so bad and almost reminded me of the feeling I had when I had a stomach tumor, so I asked to be taken to the ER. We were scared it might have been my gallstones or worse but thank goodness it wasn't. Unfortunately so far from what they can tell this ol body of mine has been through the windmill and has changed in all aspects of digestment issues. I cant eat a lot of things I used to and apparently I guess a lot of caffine can cause stomach cramps and I know im guilty when it comes to caffine sometimes, buuuuuuut ya know it happens. Im still in a lil pain but thank goodness its feeling better.
So on the other hand while I've been working on promoting and desighning for Chromatic L'Amour its been fun but kinda hard when stuff like that happens. I've also had issues with other health problemswhich I will get into later but because of my health issues it does EXTREMLY still cause a lot of set back in my work. Which brings me to ALOT of what ive been dealing with lately. As you loves have seen me say and post before, I don't like or agree with any type of bullying or degrading. And as you already know if people talk crap or smack I think its beyond lame and I always pretty much don't give a flying rats BOOTY right. Well recently it came to my attention that its so offensive when someone says "Oh well your Cancer Free Right?"
I don't know if its meant to sound different than the way that I think I hear it, or if people are just stupid and have no morals of manner and are rude. I say this not to be annoying but because if there is any Cancer patients/survivors that are reading this or even family of patients with Cancer or who have had cancer, im so sorry for people who you encounter that are rude and might have said things like this too you before. Just because we may be in remission or are cancer free doesn't mean we are free forever unfortunately.
Some people never relapse or have any problems after treatment and its amazing, but not all of us are so lucky. No matter how much we would love to forget what happened to us and how cancer made us feel, scars may fade but will always be there physically and emotionally. One day you can be fine and by the next day your in some type of severe pain and you have to have tests and scans done just to make sure your ok. And if that's not stressful enough you have to worry about BILLS all the medical expenses that insurance didn't cover, or when you didn't have insurance or don't have insurance where do you turn to pay for hundreds and thousands of dollars. Its easy for people to say "Oh your Cancer Free right?" or "oh you'll be fine."
Some can work if they can, and yeah I give EXTREME props to all the hard working people who are sick and still had or have to work through and after treatments because there's no other choice. I don't think that's fair, no one should have to work being that ill and its unfortunate. I now there's some people who don't have such severe treatments so they are able to work and that's awesome, I think that's great. But also what about people who cant, what about people who barely walk and feel extremely exhausted, who's body's are learning how to function again. Is it ok for them to go to work and pick up boxes and stand all day. No its not, or what about those who try to get work but are turned down because they are still in recovery regardless if they look normal, just because they had cancer people are scared to touch or hire them. Yes that could be discrimination but of course to some people they don't see that all they say is well "Your Cance free right?" or "You'll be fine." Just know your not alone, Its ok to take time to recover, its ok to be stressed when there's hard times especially when your in treatment. Sometimes its hard to even recover because there isn't enough time to because there we are trying to work to make ends meet. But if its one thing I've learned over these last weeks, doesn't matter if someone thinks your not doing enough or that you should or should not be working. Or even if they say dumb things that are not their business like,"oh your not married or you don't have kids?!" "You still can't walk a lot why?" "You should do this or you should do that." At the end of the day it doesn't mater at all what they say or think. Because you know how you feel and what you are doing and as long as your happy and getting by that's all that really matters.

So I leave you with a sneaky lil bitty pic of some of the last few items I just piked up for the "comfort kits!!!" Im soooooooo excited and are hoping that I can finally finish to get them to the patients eighther this week or begaining of next!! Ive taken so much time putting as much thought and love into each and every one of them and its also thanks to you guys for all the donations you have donated by purchasing Chromatic L'Amour Clothing & Donating!! More pics to come!!! Keep updated on here or on my Insta Or Facebook!! All I can say is thank you to all my supporters you loves mean the world.
There may be some people that say I should be working a real job, or that im not doing anything and im lazy. Or my personal fav "she's lying about what she does for a living." Ha! Just watch, actions speak louder than words and my actions are well on the way of revealing themselves, so If Owning my own clothing line living my True dream while Spreading Cancer Awareness as well as making "Comfort Kits" for other cancer patients isn't a real job than what is. I know Iam doing something and I work extremely hard day in and day out Im blessed to have a roof over my head and food to eat even if there are hard time and struggles but at the end of the day all that matters is "IAM HAPPY!"