

Saturday, August 23, 2014

First Time for everythting "Comfort Kit"

Happy Saturday Loves!! It's a very special day because I have some exciting news for you!! As I said before in these last recent posts, we are waiting to hear back from the Oncology center that we will be donating more comfort kits to. We are still in the process of waiting for a response on when there will be a good day to be able to go deliver those, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT!!!!!!!!!
For the first time ever we had the honor of delivering a special "Comfort Kit" To someone very special named Petra!! Words cant describe how blessed and Honored it was to give this kind, sweet, funny, joyful, and most of all beautiful women a "Comfort Kit". Was so exciting to see her smile when handed to her! Nothing on this earth could have topped that moment in time! We had packed some goodies for her along with a blanket, tooth brush kit, hand sanitizer, Tissues,Animal Crackers (which were her fav!) and more! We based all items on Pink and Purple and were so excited that she told us they were her favorite colors especially pink!!
She was very excited and happy to receive it I couldn't help but feel so happy inside!! I watched her smile as right away when she got it opened it up and looked through all the stuff she got. She took out each item and said what exactly she liked about it!! That was super awesome!!! I wont lie I was scared that maybe it wasn't something she would have liked, I based it off of things that I loved and enjoyed or needed when I was in treatment or feeling ill. Some of those snacks and goodies were my fav and im so glad they were hers as well!! She told me how much she liked the pink and that she loves to eat the Animal crackers especially with milk! I asked if we could take her pic and she gladly said yes posing with her already opened kit!!! She is soooooooo sweet and It is was so nice talking to her!! I ask that you all keep Petra in your prayers, and that she will continue to have a smile on her face and that she will get better. Petra has been battling Cancer for years now and more than ever needs our prayers!! Thank you Loves for the people that contributed to helping donate and helping us give her a Comfort Kit! You loves are also apart of putting a smile on her face!!

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