

Friday, July 17, 2015

"Comfort Kit" Update

Hey Loves! It's that time again and we at Chromatic L'Amour are super excited to be dropping off these "Comfort Kits" for patients at the Oncology Center Today!!!! Thank you to all who donated or purchased our merch at our clothing booth for the Juneteenth event, you helped us raise enough money to make these kits and we can not thank you enough!!!!!!
For those of you who may not be to familiar with what "Comfort Kits" are,

or for those of you who may have not seen our previous "Comfort Kit" deliveries/stories on patients we have given to before and are interested. Feel free to scroll on over to the right hand side under Blog Archive to find posts or scroll on down and click on older posts!!
A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to all the staff at the Oncology Center who helps us distribute the kits to patients! You all are the sweetest and you rock!!!!!! We were sooooo thrilled to hear from the nursing staff that the patients love our "Comfort Kits"!!!!! How cool is that, every time we deliver the kits I'm always the first one to be scared that no one will like them hahaha!! So hearing them say the patients love them, that for sure was awesome to hear and put my mind to ease!
(Here is just a sneak peek of some of the items in the Kits for this batch!)
Also a big thanx to the lil sis always helping me out putting these kits together!! I love ya Miss Lady! Seriously I can not tell you guys how awesome it is to hear that the patients love the kits!! It really does shock me every time but in the best way possible! To know that it actually puts a smile on someone's face holy moly!!! What better feeling than that!!!!?? At one time which feels like only yesterday, I remember when I was in treatment sick, tired and scared but someone a total stranger, took the time out to make the most beautiful scarfs and head beanies for patients and I was one of them!! Even not knowing who that person was it didn't matter, It was the most best gift ever!!! Not because it was materialistic but the fact that at that one moment, I forgot all about the pain suffering and the struggle I felt in treatment and my journey with Cancer.
In that moment of receiving that beanie and scarf in which was out of pure kindness from ones heart, it brought a smile to my face and just being able to smile again was the best gift of all!!! If these kits do anything like that for a patient as that beanie and scarf did for me, I know that everything I do and have been through is worth it!!!!!! And above all, I doubt the person who made the scarf and beanie will ever see this but from the bottom of my heart I will always remember and be grateful for your gift. . . THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

"Jeremy White" Photography

Hey Loves! Happy Tuesday, hope you are all havin a good day so far! I will admit I know I'm still half asleep from this past crazy busy weekend but it's to dang pretty of a day to stay inside today. So to kick start this sunny day what be better than a new Photography Feature on the blog here today, on a very talented Gent "Jeremy White"!!!
It's a no brainer this guy is a really rad and talented musician but as well in his photography. If you haven't already make sure to also check out my feature/Interview on Jeremy and his  Band "The Blessings" just scroll on down to older post, or go on over to the right hand side of this page under blog archive.
Just buy seeing his pics, I'm sure you can and will see for your self that he has a really unique style and eye for capturing amazing images!
I had one day a while back randomly came across his Instagram account and was really interested in his pics. I really enjoy when an photographer captures something truly unique and most of all when they capture so much feeling/emotion in one image.
What I really like most about his shots is that a lot of his work are things that many would just come across as just abandoned objects or places, but when he captures it on image. It's almost as if it comes back to life along with a story. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, or they tell a story and by far his work is a really perfect example of just that!
Q: Have you always been interested in photography?
A: I've always been interested in art. Photography was always an interest but I didn't realize how much of an interest it was until a few years ago.
Q: What is your favorite things to shoot?
A: I love to find beauty in things that are forgotten or left behind. I try to present a different way of observing things that you would otherwise pass by without giving a second look. Anything that can evoke emotion or offer a new perspective.
Q: Do you possibly plan on furthering your photography as a career, or is it just more of a hobby?
A: I don't really have a plan. Right now I'm just shooting because it gets me out of my own head, it keeps me sane and there is a bit of a thrill involved. If something happens great. If nothing happens that's ok too.
And there you have it, here are just some of the really great images that Jeremy has taken!

A huge Thank you to Jeremy for letting me feature you and your work here on the blog, Thank ya love! Make sure to follow Jeremy on his Instagram: @jeremylwhite for more of his pics!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"Peter Ruiz" Photography

Hey Loves! So it's June and Summer is officially here! Which means time for this months Blog theme "Photography"!!! I'm very excited to be featuring a very talented Photographer and his work here on the blog today so scroll your self on down to check out my feature/Mini Interview with the talented "Peter Ruiz"!!!
It's no doubt that his work is very eye catching! He has a way and special eye for capturing things on camera that bring so many different emotions and ways of seeing things, that we may pass on by during ordinary day life. He brings things to life with his unique style of photography and I love it!
I've had the honor and pleasure of working with Peter on Photoshoots in the past and I can honestly say that he is one of the most kindest and most creative photographers I have worked with! I'm very honored to not only have worked with him but to be able to call him a very close friend! And I can not wait to work with him again!!!
Q: How did you become interested in photography?
A: Ever since I can remember, even though film/video was my first love, I would always catch myself turning certain video parts into still frames and wishing my eyes could capture candid moments I have witnessed.
Q: What are some of your favorite places or things to photograph?
A: My passion are landscapes, and candid solo/family moments. There is something very special about those photos that posing can not recreate.
Q: What is one of the main things you love about photography?

A: To be able to freeze time and capture a moment that otherwise would had faded in time. To be able to look at the photo and reminisce with emotion.
To be able to see the faces of those you have lost and remember those who are no longer part of your life. To be able to capture beauty all around, even in the darkest of places.
And there you have it loves!
These are just a few of the many amazing Photographs that Peter Ruiz has captured.
Make sure to follow Peter On Facebook and his Instagram: @petestagrams for more of his awesome photos!
Also last but not least A Huge Thank you goes out to Peter for taking the time out to answer my questions and for letting me feature you and your work!!!! You rock!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Chromatic L'Amour Clothing Booth

Hey Loves! One week from today Chromatic L'Amour will be having a Booth at The Juneteenth Celebration event this year! We are very excited to have gotten asked to come back this year and we can't wait to meet and see all you loves again!! Last time was AWESOME and we are hoping this time will be too! So come out for a bit to pick up some gear or just stop by to say hi! Don't be shy we don't bite!
As always when you purchase our clothing there will be a portion taken out to go straight towards "COMOFORT KITS"!!! There will also be a Separate "NON PROFIT" Donation Box that will all go towards making "Comfort Kits"!! We ask that if you can guys even a penny helps!! Our goal this year is to get as much donations as possible so that we will be able to make as many "Comfort Kits" as possible!! Please help join us and please spread the word!!!
Also!! We are very excited that at our booth you will be able to purchase a card or cards(How ever many you would like) and get a chance to personally write a little note or encouraging words to send to a Cancer patient, to let them know how much support you have for them and to let them know they are not alone!!! Money from purchasing these cards will also go straight towards making "Comfort Kits!!!
So please loves whether it be to stop by say hi, purchase some gear, leave a donation or even helping us out tremendously by re-posting and sharing this info. PLEASE HELP US and SPREAD CANCER AWARENESS!!! You Loves have been soooooo supportive since day one of this here blog and of me with my journey and what I do and I can never thank you enough! Thank you for all the support and thank you for being True supporters you guys Rule! I've been working extremely hard on so many things to come so just hold tight they be comin and I cant wait to share it with you! Also just a quick update I believe this is my #90th blog post!!! Whooot! Whoot! Which means ten more to #100 and closer to my special Celebration Give away!!!! So stay tuned and updated!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Weekend Adventures (Viper Room & El Cid)

Hey loves!! So I don't know about you but I had a great weekend, in fact my weekend started a lil early on Thursday night! Incase you don't follow me on Instagram and haven't seen already I went to go see some pretty amazing bands this weekend and they all absolutely blew my mind!
I know some of you been asking who were some of the bands so I decided to share my weekend with you loves!
So due to being in treatment these last few years, Cancer was not only a pain in the you know what mentally and physically to me, but it also took my social life away. Was always in and out of hospitals doc appointments. So you can only imagine how excited I am to finally be able to get back into going out again! I missed my 21-23now birthday fun due to still dealing with health issues so I mean can ya blame me for being at least a lil excited. . . . Or maybe a lot excited haha!

(And No actually the one in the middle AKA my older sister did not drink she looks like she had a really good time tho huh! Her eyes are just naturally that small when she smiles!!! Haha! Also her flash was soooo bright she blinded most of us that night!)
Any way I was accompanied by two people who I absolutely flippen adore my Sister and best friend! We were missing our other partner in crime my lil sis (TEARS) we always go out  together buuuut only 3 more years and you'll be 21 girl! So till then and most likely even then Fruit punch all around haha!!!!!!!!
("Bad Veins" Left: Benjamin Davis-Vocals/Guitar Right: Jake Bonta- Drums)
The first band I saw was at the Viper Room it was the band "Bad Veins"! It was the first time not only seeing but hearing them and I'm so glad we got see them because they were really good, and it's exactly that something new I've been music craving for!  Their sound has a Indi Pop feel to it and of course at least for me it was a love at first sound because I'm a huge fan when it comes to electronic textures in music! So it was a no brainer I will now have them in my playlist from now on! Also we got a chance to talk to the drummer Jake for a bit which was cool he was really nice. During one of the convos We couldn't help but laugh and say at how "AGAIN" the brightness of the flash on my sisters phone was so blinding. Sorry for blinding you with the flash!
I have to say this has become one of my favorites from them called "Kindness" so check it out! You can also find them on Instagram: @BADVEINS

The next band we saw I actually just recently did a feature on "The After Hours"!! So make sure if you haven't already check that out as well.
Like I've said before these guys are really awesome their sound is really rad and seeing them live was really cool! They have so much energy always getting the crowd goin and just their style in music over all is really good so if you ever get the chance, make sure to show some support and go check em out live at one of their shows! You can find "The After Hours" on Facebook or on Instagram: @theafterhrs

We also got a chance to meet The Guitarist Bruce and the lead Singer Ryan, you guys rock it was awesome meeting and talkin to you loves and thanx for the pins!

The third band to perform which was really cool to see was "Prima Donna"!!!
Instagram: @primadonnaband
First off I just have to say they were so good live their performance was awesome and they so killed it on stage!!! It was our first time seeing them play as well, and for sure one thing I love is when someone performs and tries to connect with the crowd always full of energy and they were totally all that and more!
The funny story of the night which you will hear a lil more later on, was that when they came on the whole time I kept looking and turned to my sister and was like I feel like I've heard them before, but I was so into listening to they're tunes and enjoying the show I just sorta pushed it out of my mind. I already knew that I would be having them also on my playlists from now on.
 So After they played I was like wow they are so good im really bummed cause I wish they played more. Then we were super stoked when we saw them later on, we got a quick pic and got to talk and chill a little bit with Kevin the singer/guitar and Levine the bass player  who were such cool dudes by the way!! Thanks again for taking the time out to talk and chill with us it was really nice meeting you, you were so sweet darlins!! And I'm so sorry that I prob was like screaming in your ear the whole time I couldn't hear how loud I was talking over the music so I hope your ears are ok (OOPS!) haha!! But long story short the funny thing was there was one in particular song they played that I fell in love with, it was really catchy and it was stuck in my head all weekend!! Check it out!!

Then it wasn't until I was out and about at El Cid on Saturday when that same song just started playing, and I was like Awww it's That one song by Prima Donna and then all of a sudden it clicked!!!! OF COURSE I heard them before!!!! That song I remember a while back I randomly heard it some where and I didn't know who was the band who played it or even the song name. And ever since then I never got to find them till now!!! I usually tend to just hear music and remember who it is or look up the lyrics and find them that way, but in this case I just couldn't find them and I couldn't remember the lyrics. Tell me that im not the only one that  this has happened to cause that sucks! All I could remember was the beginning guitar part and every time I try to sing it or hum it everyone was like uhhhhh yeeeeah idk Hahaha!! Soooo I thought that was pretty crazy funny and cool to share with ya, so now that I FINALLY know who they are I'm like yeeees FINALLY!!!! Still have it in repeat mode!! Then to come to find out later my little sis is a fan and was like ooooooooh that song yeeeeah I love that song sorry I didn't know that was the song you meant . . . . . . . . -_-  my face exactly hahaha!!
And last but not least the last band of Thursday night we saw play was the awesome "Flash Back Heart Attack"!!
Heck yes they where awesome if you ask me!Flashback plays all kinds of the greatest hits of the 80’s and one I caught my self singing along to "A Flock of Seagulls-I ran" And that was just one!!! For sure check them out cause they rock! Unfortunately we had to leave to get back on the road so we didn't get to hear all their set but from what we did hear these guys were so good!!! So make sure to show some support and check em out!! Instagram: @flashbackheartattack http://www.flashbackheartattack.com/

And of coooourse!!! Where else would I be on Saturday night When I found out that "The Blessings" where going to be playing at El Cid releasing their new EP "Shipwrecked"!!! If you haven't already make sure to get it on iTunes today and check out my interview I did with "The Blessings" Frontman "Jeremy White!!"
For those of you who seen my insta it's no surprise that I've been a fan/supporter  of "The Blessings". I would listen to them a lot when I was in treatment to just chill out to, so when Jeremy (Lead Singer/Guitarist/Harmonica) agreed to do the interview I was super excited. It's not every day that you get to blog/interview one of your favorite artist/bands. I'm a huge lover of the Rolling Stones and a lot of other Rock And Roll bands so when I first heard "The Blessings" I was obsessed with their sound from the start of the first song I heard! As I said before they have such pure deep Rock And Roll Roots with a whole lot of Soul so that right there is to awesome, so I was stoked to FINALLY get to see em live and meet them. I over all had the best time, they were the sweetest it was an amazing show, they owned the stage and  it was so nice meeting you guys!! I know I cant wait to go see ya again.
Make sure to find "The Blessings" on Facebook and Instsagram: @the_blessings
Im super bummed that my computer wouldn't load my vids from the show (SAD FACE) but here is a vid of them live a while back, but no video will ever compare to the real thang in person tho!!

And there you loves go I hope you guys enjoyed todays post I know some of you were asking for it so enjoy and and make sure to follow and support all of these awesome Bands up above!!!