

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Chromatic L'Amour Clothing Booth

Hey Loves! One week from today Chromatic L'Amour will be having a Booth at The Juneteenth Celebration event this year! We are very excited to have gotten asked to come back this year and we can't wait to meet and see all you loves again!! Last time was AWESOME and we are hoping this time will be too! So come out for a bit to pick up some gear or just stop by to say hi! Don't be shy we don't bite!
As always when you purchase our clothing there will be a portion taken out to go straight towards "COMOFORT KITS"!!! There will also be a Separate "NON PROFIT" Donation Box that will all go towards making "Comfort Kits"!! We ask that if you can guys even a penny helps!! Our goal this year is to get as much donations as possible so that we will be able to make as many "Comfort Kits" as possible!! Please help join us and please spread the word!!!
Also!! We are very excited that at our booth you will be able to purchase a card or cards(How ever many you would like) and get a chance to personally write a little note or encouraging words to send to a Cancer patient, to let them know how much support you have for them and to let them know they are not alone!!! Money from purchasing these cards will also go straight towards making "Comfort Kits!!!
So please loves whether it be to stop by say hi, purchase some gear, leave a donation or even helping us out tremendously by re-posting and sharing this info. PLEASE HELP US and SPREAD CANCER AWARENESS!!! You Loves have been soooooo supportive since day one of this here blog and of me with my journey and what I do and I can never thank you enough! Thank you for all the support and thank you for being True supporters you guys Rule! I've been working extremely hard on so many things to come so just hold tight they be comin and I cant wait to share it with you! Also just a quick update I believe this is my #90th blog post!!! Whooot! Whoot! Which means ten more to #100 and closer to my special Celebration Give away!!!! So stay tuned and updated!!!

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