I know some of you been asking who were some of the bands so I decided to share my weekend with you loves!
So due to being in treatment these last few years, Cancer was not only a pain in the you know what mentally and physically to me, but it also took my social life away. Was always in and out of hospitals doc appointments. So you can only imagine how excited I am to finally be able to get back into going out again! I missed my 21-23now birthday fun due to still dealing with health issues so I mean can ya blame me for being at least a lil excited. . . . Or maybe a lot excited haha!
(And No actually the one in the middle AKA my older sister did not drink she looks like she had a really good time tho huh! Her eyes are just naturally that small when she smiles!!! Haha! Also her flash was soooo bright she blinded most of us that night!)
Any way I was accompanied by two people who I absolutely flippen adore my Sister and best friend! We were missing our other partner in crime my lil sis (TEARS) we always go out together buuuut only 3 more years and you'll be 21 girl! So till then and most likely even then Fruit punch all around haha!!!!!!!!
("Bad Veins" Left: Benjamin Davis-Vocals/Guitar Right: Jake Bonta- Drums)
The first band I saw was at the Viper Room it was the band "Bad Veins"! It was the first time not only seeing but hearing them and I'm so glad we got see them because they were really good, and it's exactly that something new I've been music craving for! Their sound has a Indi Pop feel to it and of course at least for me it was a love at first sound because I'm a huge fan when it comes to electronic textures in music! So it was a no brainer I will now have them in my playlist from now on! Also we got a chance to talk to the drummer Jake for a bit which was cool he was really nice. During one of the convos We couldn't help but laugh and say at how "AGAIN" the brightness of the flash on my sisters phone was so blinding. Sorry for blinding you with the flash!
I have to say this has become one of my favorites from them called "Kindness" so check it out! You can also find them on Instagram: @BADVEINS
The next band we saw I actually just recently did a feature on "The After Hours"!! So make sure if you haven't already check that out as well.
Like I've said before these guys are really awesome their sound is really rad and seeing them live was really cool! They have so much energy always getting the crowd goin and just their style in music over all is really good so if you ever get the chance, make sure to show some support and go check em out live at one of their shows! You can find "The After Hours" on Facebook or on Instagram: @theafterhrs
We also got a chance to meet The Guitarist Bruce and the lead Singer Ryan, you guys rock it was awesome meeting and talkin to you loves and thanx for the pins!
The third band to perform which was really cool to see was "Prima Donna"!!!
Instagram: @primadonnaband
First off I just have to say they were so good live their performance was awesome and they so killed it on stage!!! It was our first time seeing them play as well, and for sure one thing I love is when someone performs and tries to connect with the crowd always full of energy and they were totally all that and more!
The funny story of the night which you will hear a lil more later on, was that when they came on the whole time I kept looking and turned to my sister and was like I feel like I've heard them before, but I was so into listening to they're tunes and enjoying the show I just sorta pushed it out of my mind. I already knew that I would be having them also on my playlists from now on.
Then it wasn't until I was out and about at El Cid on Saturday when that same song just started playing, and I was like Awww it's That one song by Prima Donna and then all of a sudden it clicked!!!! OF COURSE I heard them before!!!! That song I remember a while back I randomly heard it some where and I didn't know who was the band who played it or even the song name. And ever since then I never got to find them till now!!! I usually tend to just hear music and remember who it is or look up the lyrics and find them that way, but in this case I just couldn't find them and I couldn't remember the lyrics. Tell me that im not the only one that this has happened to cause that sucks! All I could remember was the beginning guitar part and every time I try to sing it or hum it everyone was like uhhhhh yeeeeah idk Hahaha!! Soooo I thought that was pretty crazy funny and cool to share with ya, so now that I FINALLY know who they are I'm like yeeees FINALLY!!!! Still have it in repeat mode!! Then to come to find out later my little sis is a fan and was like ooooooooh that song yeeeeah I love that song sorry I didn't know that was the song you meant . . . . . . . . -_- my face exactly hahaha!!
And last but not least the last band of Thursday night we saw play was the awesome "Flash Back Heart Attack"!!
Heck yes they where awesome if you ask me!Flashback plays all kinds of the greatest hits of the 80’s and one I caught my self singing along to "A Flock of Seagulls-I ran" And that was just one!!! For sure check them out cause they rock! Unfortunately we had to leave to get back on the road so we didn't get to hear all their set but from what we did hear these guys were so good!!! So make sure to show some support and check em out!! Instagram: @flashbackheartattack http://www.flashbackheartattack.com/
And of coooourse!!! Where else would I be on Saturday night When I found out that "The Blessings" where going to be playing at El Cid releasing their new EP "Shipwrecked"!!! If you haven't already make sure to get it on iTunes today and check out my interview I did with "The Blessings" Frontman "Jeremy White!!"
For those of you who seen my insta it's no surprise that I've been a fan/supporter of "The Blessings". I would listen to them a lot when I was in treatment to just chill out to, so when Jeremy (Lead Singer/Guitarist/Harmonica) agreed to do the interview I was super excited. It's not every day that you get to blog/interview one of your favorite artist/bands. I'm a huge lover of the Rolling Stones and a lot of other Rock And Roll bands so when I first heard "The Blessings" I was obsessed with their sound from the start of the first song I heard! As I said before they have such pure deep Rock And Roll Roots with a whole lot of Soul so that right there is to awesome, so I was stoked to FINALLY get to see em live and meet them. I over all had the best time, they were the sweetest it was an amazing show, they owned the stage and it was so nice meeting you guys!! I know I cant wait to go see ya again.
Make sure to find "The Blessings" on Facebook and Instsagram: @the_blessings
Im super bummed that my computer wouldn't load my vids from the show (SAD FACE) but here is a vid of them live a while back, but no video will ever compare to the real thang in person tho!!
And there you loves go I hope you guys enjoyed todays post I know some of you were asking for it so enjoy and and make sure to follow and support all of these awesome Bands up above!!!
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