

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Reborn To A New Begining

A little over a year and a half ago I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer,
and about five months ago I was told that without the right treatment I had 6 months before my disease would take my life. It is now almost December that 6 month period and Iam very Blessed Greatful and Proud to finally anounce . . . . . . 

I did it Loves!!!
Words literaly can't describe how thankful Iam that God has given me a second chance at life!!
I mean even just thinking about it I cant believe it!!  I've never been the one to take advantage of life and be careless but as a human being its true that you get so caught up in life like work and school relationships etc, its not until you actually go through something like this that it kicks you in the ass and your eyes open waaaay more than you ever thought your eyes could ever open!!
And not that im saying that I loved losing my hair and having extreme pain and stuff but im very thankful to have gone through this expierence to have become who Iam today.

I can honestly say that this whole journey has brought me to where I need to be, and I havent felt that way ever in my life. As you loves know I started this here Blog hoping that at least if one person stumbled upon this it would help or inspire them, and I cant tell you guys how amayzingly greatful Iam to have gotten so much feed back, love, and support from you guys!!!! All the prayers,letters and Msgs and everything you loves have done has been such a huge part of me getting through this and I cant thank you enough!!!!!!!!! Especially for following along here for the ride!! I love seeing new reader numbers go up and never in a million years would I have thought I had readers from diff parts of the world how fregging awesome is that!
I Just really hope you Loves know how much you mean to me and I KNOW I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!
IM SORRY!!!!!!!!!! You guys have been asking me what the heck was goin on, Im sorry I havent been able to reply back to you but yes! Its been for ever and a day since I last posted and believe me Ive missed this soooo much!!!! But between recovery mode and trying to get things back on track on top of the stress of not knowing the results at the time, I was a mess and I wont lie it was a really dark time for me and my family. Its never fun when it comes time to wait for results but Im back now and Im on a roll!!!!!
A special Thanx Goes out to Peter Ruiz, was such a fun photoshoot!
And of course a special thank you to JJ as well love ya guys!!

Although this is great news I still have 2-3 years before im out of the woods on this one, to make sure its completely gone but as I once said before

" I dont no where tomorrow will lead or even next year, I could live till im old or die when im young but on things for sure is I will never stop fighting." - Liv Vee

Also Today I want to wish my Daddy A Happy B day!!
I love you so much!!!!


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