

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Yellow Brick Road

You know those days you wake up and just roll out of bed and kinda just try to push through the day, but then you tell your self "No you know what today is gonna be a good day!" So you put on a smile walk out the door and from then on theres always one thing after another that seems to happen or go wrong you just want to hit your head against the wall and just wonder whyyyyyyy? Your not alone!!
Yuuup its been on repeat mode all last week long and cutting into today ha! Been trying to get my to do list done but the funny thing is no matter how many things I check off one more to do task appears. I bet If my to do list was yellow it be so long it like the yellow brick road, just without the cool fun adventure and amazing red slippers!! On that note haha While trying to get back on track with things, Incase you loves were wondering if I forgot bout the Video I said I post I haven't don't trip. Amongst all the other things that have sprung up on me these last couple of days, my computer decided to not let me upload videos and my internet has been down. How awesome riiight! Nooooooot!! I have not the slightest clue how to fix the prob let alone Ive been drowsy on meds! I recently had a ASAP doc appointment,I don't know bout you loves but this weather has been kicking my ass. Red itchy eyes, bloody noses, bad cough, oooh allergies why must you stay all day & all night ruining my plans!!!! Loooooong story short Loves, Its normal to feel like you have a to do list that looks like the never ending yellow brick road with a bunch of never ending struggles along the way. Buuuuuuuuuut who doesn't, Theres probs that appear every day all week all year and its one thing after another. Sometimes you may feel like ramming your head into the wall but in the end at least your still breathing. Every flower has to grow through dirt and if that means theres gonna be hard times for us inorder for us to bloom into the pretty flowers that we are then I guess so be it!
Untill then, Im off to see the wizard and hope he fixes my computer!!!!

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