

Monday, May 12, 2014

I love my Momma!

Seriously no amount of words in this world will ever begin to come close to show much I LOVE my Momma!!!
She has been with me through all good and the bad in my life and has always been alongside me with continuous amounts of love and support. She is not only a hard working women who alongside my dad worked to put a roof over our heads and food on the table, but No matter what she always finds a way to pull through hard times. She is also a kind hearted person always putting others before herself. Not only did she look after me but after her father and mother when they were sick and always there by thier side as well. She shows the true meaning of what a Mother does and goes through to sacrifice for their children to give them a good life. I honestly can never thank God enough for allowing me to have such a beautiful women be my mother here on this earth to call my own. I can sit here and tell you all the things she has done that make her so amazing, but above all things most important is that I love her!!!! I give anything and do anything for my Mom and my Dad. Im so blessed and I vow to always be there and love and take care of you!! I love you MOMMY!! -Livy Xoxox

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