

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Do what you Love, Be who you were meant to Be and Succeed in what you were meant to do. Believe in yourself." - Liv Vee xoxo
Don't let life and all the hard times it throws at you sometimes all at once discourage you from accomplishing your dreams and hopes. You could be the next person to inspire someone to make this world a better place.

I've been working and focusing extremely hard to make a difference, and as of lately I've been seeing that there has been some people who support me and what im doing, and others who just turn me away or try to put me down. And you know what that's ok. I stand by what I've said since I started my battle with cancer and started this blog, Iam truly blessed to have gotten the experience to see life differently and a second chance at life to do what im meant to do and to help others, and if that means that my dream of starting my clothing line Chromatic L'Amour had to be postponed and pushed back then so be it!!! Since I last updated you loves I was sorry to announce that the Chromatic L'Amour launching date was no longer April 1st. And since then I know a lot of you have been wondering what the heck has been going on, and what exactly is happening. I cant stress to you loves how sorry Iam for having to postpone the launch date I know a lot of supporters have given up on waiting and are very anxious and upset because things were pushed back, but never in a million years would I have thought that all you lovely loves would be interested in purchasing my clothing!? It was the biggest shock and it was then I realized I had to re-think my plan and dream and for GOOD reasons because I have to make things even BIGGER!!! Maybe the reason for all these set backs isn't because its bad luck or its not ment, like some people like to tell me but maybe its because my DREAM is to small maybe its because God or the Universe thinks im capable of doing so much more. And you know what that's absolutely right! Im proud to say Chromatic L'Amour wont just stop at Clothing like I said before theres big things instore for Chromatic L'Amour and like they say Go BIG or go home!! I wont be home that's for sure!!! (HINT) HINT)

Its been hard with expanding and re-planning Chromatic L'Amours future. (HINT!!) (HINT!!!) Theres a lot to still get taken care of and its kinda hard when there's only one of me trying to be in multiple places at the same time. I mean I love what I do when it comes to graphic designing, or other types of designing when it comes to my business, (HINT!!) (HINT!!)but there's a lot of money and time that goes into getting licenses and permits and it pushes back being able to get merchandise out to you loves. And although I know all my dearest supporters and family and friends know I been working my butt off, its easy for others who don't know to say I haven't. Which puts me in a funk, which is dumb cause lets face it im only human sometimes it really gets to me I cant just get things out right away. But as the picture above its soooooo true not just for me but for everyone DON'T EVER compare your business/Dream/goal to someone else. We all have different journeys and goals in life and we all have different ways of getting there, no one is ever exactly the same which makes you so unique and special. But one thing for sure that we all have in common, we all have to start somewhere and its obvious the only way to get to the top is to start from the bottom and work your way up!! I mean look at Drake he knows what im talkin bout!!! haha!!!
For example take one of my most biggest inspirations, Walt Disney!!! I can not tell you how much his story has inspired me. From a drawing of a mouse to Disneyland!! I mean what did people think of him when he would say his ideas, I bet everybody thought he was crazy and guess what look at his dream now!!!

Im doing the very best and over my best at making Chromatic L'Amour the biggest I can make it!! My dream is to not only sell my clothing but to promote Cancer Awareness. For every item you loves purchase there will be a portion taking out to make what we at Chromatic L'Amour Like to call "COMFORT KITS". Comfort Kits are a basket or backpack/ Purse that will contain items that a specific Cancer patient might need to get through their treatments. For example, When I was sick I didn't have money I didnt even have insurance and to pay for my treatments, and out of pocket for treatment is way into over the thousands. There was no way i could afford new clothes and things i needed on top of bills, and if it wasn't for my grandparents and family and friends especially my sisters bro in law and parents putting money towards things I needed for treatment like comfortable clothes, and blankets, even snacks because there were things that I specifically had to eat which sometimes the some hospitals wont supply. I mean what would I have done, especially a HUUUGE thank you which goes out to my sis and bro in law for giving me and ipod!!!! Oh my goooooosh I seriously cant even tell how many times that thing literally saved me from giving up!!!!!
Music means everything to me without it I cant function seriously, every beat every sound the voices and just good vibes my music brought to me during the most hardest treatment it got me through!! And it was all due to that ipod my sister and bro in law decided to get me that which I couldn't afford. Theres always going to be something a cancer patients needs to help keep them going and although these might just be materialistic things you be surprised how much it means when your in treatment and someone made a hand knitted scarf and beanie in your favorite color which made my bald head warm and made me feel so comforted! That's when I knew I wanted to incorporate making comfort kits in Chromatic. It could be a toy, a wig, activities anything that will put a smile on there face because they deserve it. And if I have the chance to do that im going to do it!! So please loves know im working hard to not only get merch together but to do sooo much more!! Hang in there and it will be worth the wait I promise!!!! Stay updated on Insta and here for some new events That Chromatic L'Amour will be apart of!!! I will be posting flyers this week!! thank you for all the love and continuouse support that I know you my loves (readers) give!! will always mean the world to me!!

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