

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Chromatic L'Amour

Ok Loves!!! Soooo member when I said things got postponed and pushed back and plans have changed these last couple of posts? Well they have and of course plans did change ALOT!! Buuut in the end Im super excited to announce Finally!!!! For the first time you loves will be able to purchase Chromatic L'Amour gear!! Yaaaaaay!!

This Saturday the 21st we are super stoked to be apart of the Juneteenth 24th Annual Celebration event at the Plaza Park in Down Town Oxnard!! It will be held from 10am-6pm and there is a limited number of selected items from our collection we will be selling so first come first serve. We will also be passing out flyers and hopefully getting to know and talk to you lovely loves so even if you want to just stop by and see what we are all about come say hi! we wont bite . . . hard hahaha jk So again there will only be some selected items from our collection we will be selling and other items that you may see on our insta will be sold as well but in future events!! But don't get too bummed there will be more chances to get gear if you cant make it this time!!

As for those of you who may be possibly stumbling on here for the first time or for those of you who are already been following Chromatic L'Amours journey since I first decided to start the clothing Line, you know starting this Adventure they call a business has been crazy! we have had our share of good and mostly from what it feels like bad times. From when I first decided to start CLA I had to postpone it because of being diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma(Cancer). Then came recovery wich has been a whole other long journey that im still going through which has made it difficult with launching. And of course the whole money and papper work and taxes and all that stuff when starting a business that you need to have and do which now I realize Is so time consuming and also a whole other long journey of having to postpone. BUUUT like I say theres a reason for everything and I truly believe that God and the Universe are guiding me to what and where exactly I need to be even if there is trouble along the way "What doesn't Kill you makes you stronger right?" HECK YES IT DOES!!! So again thank you to all who still are very patient and so supportive for believing in me and what I do!!

Im Liv Vee and Im a Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer Survivor!!! My Dream is to not only be successful in my clothing line but Through my clothing line help Spread Cancer Awareness!! So for every item that you loves purchase there will be a portion taken out that goes to helping Cancer patients and creating Comfort Kits for them!! For more info about comfort kits check out our merch booth this Saturday or check out the last post I recently did for more info!! Thanx guys!! Hope to see ya Loves There!!!

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