

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Chromatic L'Amour

Ok Loves! So member when I said I update you on whats been goin on round here!! WEll here it is!! "COMFORT KITS!"
Some of you may have already seen or have received one of these flyers if you have spotted us out at an event recently! We have been hard at work going different places to promote and are very excited that finally after so long we have gotten enough donations to do our first set of "COMFORT KITS!" As I explained before in recent posts, "COMFORT KITS" are a gift basket  with little items that are useful or hopefully items that  will bring a smile on a patient's face when they receive one! It's just little things like a pillow/blanket along with a beanie or book, or toy/activity. There will also be things like hand sanitizer/tissues  things that may be needed or useful when in treatment at the hospital or at home.  I know when I had treatment I  needed things like that all the time! Wether it is a beautiful 3 year old or a wonderfully amayzing 60 year old  DOESN'T MATTER  WHAT AGE "COMFORT KITS" ARE FOR ALL AGES and we are trying to make as many as we can with the donations  from events and from  the donations that come straight out of a Chromatic L'Amour item that you purchase!

I hope that one day Chromatic L'Amour will take off successfully and that we will be able to advance in giving even more to patients. But for now we are so happy and blessed to give what we can. Right now as I said before we are a touring clothing line, there will be some events that we sell and some events that we are so happy that we get asked to promote at, which we may not always sell at but will always have the donation box for "COMFORT KITS". We had originally wanted to start off with just our website of just selling our clothes, but given the circumstances and situations/opportunities at this time. I love what I do and what Chromatic L'Amour is doing, which is taking it slow but awesome because we get to meet all you lovely loves and spreading the word along about CANCER AWARENESS which is all that matters to me right now! It sucks because I know some may be upset by not being able to purchase our stuff on the spot right away, but like they say "All good things are worth waiting for." And its true! I have huge things planned for Chromatic L'Amour and even if they don't come to soon that's ok. It not about money and fame, its about the importance of what we believe in and stand for and that's promoting Cancer Awareness. Im blessed Chromatic L'Amour has been getting offered different opportunities and they are all coming along great. May take some time like always but Rome wasn't built in a day. I will say that I am planning an event for Chromatic L'Amour.(HINT)And I will say it will be somewhere you can purchase all our collections of clothing. (HINT) (HINT) hahaaha!! Im not going to say more in fear I will let the cat out of the bag but y'all will know when its coming. But till then to all of you loves who came out to our booth at Juneteenth, or who have seen us around promoting and take the time to come up to us and donate THANK YOU!! I will be posting pics to update you on what the donations are going towards(COMFORT KITS). I want you to be envolved as much as possible because you are helping this dream of mine come true. You are also helping out in making comfort kits and I want you to know exactly what we are doing. Right now Chromatic L'Amour is getting all the items for the comfort kits ready so that they can be packaged! So keep udated with me on this here blog or on insta : @chromaticlamour or my personal Insta: @liv_vee thank you for being apart of Chromatic L'Amour. And thank you for helping make a difference, by putting a smile on a cancer patients face when they receive a comfort kit knowing that there is nothing but support and love for them. & like what we like to say "Welcome to the Chromatic L'Amour Family and for helping make a difference in Style!"

Monday, July 14, 2014

Thanks be to God

Hey loves, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Well as for me I've been going insane!! On top of trying to get things together and work, I was told that it was time for a PET SCAN. Now for those of you who have been following along this here blog for a while now or follow me on facebook or instagram, you already know it is not my first PET Scan.
PET Scans unfortunately are a little to much familiar to me. PET Scans are basically a Radiation fluid like substance that contains sugar I believe, or a substance like sugar that is injected into the vein almost like a blood draw and then is distributed through your system through your blood flow. After that it takes about 30-45 minutes to settle in before your off to the scanning room. looks just like this pic down below.
Its almost like a CAT scan I guess you could say its just a scan that takes special pictures (Scans) that show your internal organs and body. Basically the fluid that you are injected with if there is any cancer cells in the body or cancerous tumors, this particular scan will light those areas up. Which allows the doctors to see if there is still cancer in your system, which is why I was very stressed.
We all know I've taken many to the point were I've lost count, and none of them have been good except the last one I took in November 2013 which showed my tumors were non cancerous. Even though you would think great! Its gone! NOT necessarily. A lot of people assume that as soon as you are Cancer free its done and your clear, buuuut in reality you are still very much so in risk. It usually takes 1-2 years to make sure there Is no recurrence of the cancer cells, as well as trying to also recover. I can first off hand say I laughed it of when they told me it would take 2 years to recover or more from all my treatment including my stem cell treatment. I thought oh that's not gonna be me i'll pull through and work hard get back in shape HA! yea right! My ass is still struggling to get back on track and do normal things, like walking long distances and eating certain things its almost like retraining your body how to live! How to sleep, how to eat, how to walk, I mean you name it. Its not a easy or fast recovery for anyone that goes through cancer treatments. I used to and still do at times question why other patients would go to work while getting treatment and I could just not understand why my body at the time or moment would not let me do the same. But its not until I actually realized, I was sick for longer than I even began to notice or was aware I had cancer.
My battle was almost a 3 year day to day fight. I mean you try recovering from biopsy's, blood transfusions, bone marrow tests, shots, injections, hair loss, weight loss, weight gain, gallstones, bladder infections, sinus infections, stomach infections, mini surgical procedures, breathing treatments, eye infections, EXTREME NAUSEA and VOMITTING, passing out spells, hot flashes, platelet transfusions, and im not even gonna get into the restroom probs its just a list of on and on and on. You think your body is gonna get over that with a low immune system I don't think sooooooo. Till this day im still getting back on track to recovery and its tough but in the end worth it! You know why?! Well loves I just received my PET SCAN RESULTS back today and im soooooooo happy to say that officially FINALLY there is absolutely no trace of tumors or cancer in my body!!!!!! Although before I was clear of Cancer before I still had tumors, but thank God for his blessing and that now there is no more tumors they have resolved, its like they weren't even there!!! I'm soooooooooooooooooo beyond blessed for this miracle!! I just cant help but cry tears of joy! With six months to live if not treated to here now healthy is just mind blowing!! will I be clear forever I have no clue, I have over a 95% chance I will have breast Cancer and a secondary cancer any day now due to all the chemo and radiation that I've had over these couple of years. But for now Thank you God for allowing me to not only wake up and breathe but to be Cancer free as well. I can never thank God enough for also giving me a second chance at life! I now own my own Clothing line that is helping Cancer patients I mean hooooooow much better could things get!! I will never forget what ive been through nor will I ever forget that I need to still be careful because I don't know what could happen tomorrow or next year, I could relapse at any time. But what I do know is I will never or forget where I came from and most importantly there is still cancer patients out there who need love and support!!!!! I will never stop fighting!!
                                                                   I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


To all our supporters of CHROMATIC L'AMOUR on behalf of myself Owner and Founder of CHROMATIC L'AMOUR, I would like to address and WARN you that there has been someone leaking and posting pictures of our personal Screens and designs. There has also been a recent incident that people may have been given or may have purchased what seems to look like our clothing Designs through someone WITHOUT CHROMATIC L'AMOUR PERMISSON, when in fact it is not our clothing. We have not at all launched our entire collection yet and If you have been sold what seems to look like Chromatic L'Amour Merchandise and it was not sold/distributed by a Chromatic L'Amour Event/ booth or personally by me please contact me as soon as possible with any information. Facebook: Liv Vee Instagram: @chromaticlamour or @liv_vee
Please know that CHROMATIC L'AMOUR is TRADEMARKED. If clothing/designs of CHROMATIC L'AMOUR are sold, or any posts of Private screens of our designs that are being made, or any of CHROMATIC L'AMOUR DESIGHNS that have not been released by CHROMATIC L'AMOUR are posted without CHROMATIC L'AMOUR CLOTHING permission there will be legal action and copy rights involved. I ask that all our supporters spread the word!!! I hope that all of you will be aware and thank you for the continuous support even in hard times like this. All I ask is please to the person that has been rumored to be doing so, PLEASE STOP. It is not only unfair to my Company but to all my supporters especially the Cancer patients that we would like to surprise and give clothing to, who have been waiting to be surprised by new designs. Thank you.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sweet Tooth

Happy Sunday Loves!!
Hope you are all having a great weekend so far!! So in the spirit of this 4th of July weekend I wanted to try something very different! I mean considering that this time last year I was still in chemo I missed out on a lot last summer.
                                       This year I very happily spent it with my Fam Bam!!
Also I got to visit my Nana & Tata which was really awesome. Its still hard to believe they aren't here but I know they were enjoying the day as well in paradise. And then it was time to head out for some fun in the sun by the pool and som BBQ!! I love me some food and occasionally some sweets but this past weekend I had such a SWEET TOOTH!!! I usually try to avoid and stay away from to much sugar because that is one of the biggest risks leading back to cancer along with alcohol, but I had to have my sugar Fix!!!! 

                                                               BAM!!!!!!! Oreo Fudge!!
I finally got the chance to try out this sweet sweet sugga treat and oooooooooomyyyy goooosh heck to the flippen yes was delish! I heard about this recipe and saw a few different ones on youtube and I knew I totally had to try it so now and forever will be one of my favs!! Ingredients: 1 bag of Oreos 1 Bag Of White Chocolate Vanilla Frosting (In this case I used Pillsbury Confetti Funfetti Vanilla Frosting) And since It came with sprinkles of course I was gonna use them to!!
So I first started off by cutting a few Oreos, I didn't use the whole bag because I was making a small amount and since it was my first attempt at this, just to be on the safe side I used a lil in fear it would turn out nasty/didn't want to waste perfectly good oreos ha! But if you want to make a big dish do it! Use all the Oreos for a bigger amount of fudge its sooo worth it! So after cutting up my cookies, I poured it into the bowl I was using and added some sprinkles!!
Also put in 2 large spoon fulls of vanilla frosting, the more you add the creamier it gets. If wanting to make a larger amount then just add the whole container of frosting. I suggest to use a big bowl just because even if your doing a small amount it gets real messy when stirring especially when you add the chocolate. Next I got a separate Micro safe bowl and pored some white chocolate chips, You could use any type of white chocolate you want I personally always go for the chocolate chips cause its easier to melt. Then I just microwaved the chocolate for 5-10 seconds at a time and between breaks stirred until it got to the melting consistency I wanted. At this point ur gonna want to pour it in with the rest of the ingredients and stir, its gonna start to cool so you havet to stir it pretty quickly before it starts to get and looking clumpy. like this pic down below.
And there ya have it! Just put it in the fridge for about an hour or 2 and take a piece!!! Hope y'all enjoy it im thinkin bout maken a nother batch myself!!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

My little Super Hero

So Have you ever had one of those days were its the worst of all kinds of problems and danger or really hard times and all you just wanted was a super hero to come save the day!? Well I think its safe to say we've all been there, I know I have!! And its kinda funny how things work, For those of ya who been following me for a while now know I always said I didn't need NO superman, spiderman, or any super hero to come save me. Cause the way I saw it was that I was my own super hero saving myself!!
Weeeeeell part of that may be true in some ways, but as I was thinkin bout it, the funniest thing came to mind! The more and more I look back at my experience the more I realize how blinded I was, and most of all thinking bout it now from a diff point of veiw its soooo True what people say!! Mmmmmmhhhhmmm ya heard me!! God not only works in mysterious ways but God has a FUNNAAAAY scense of Humor!!!! I TAKE BACK WHAT I SAID So let me rephrase that and eat my words haha!! Did I need a super man or spiderman to come save me "NO!! No I did NOT! But did I need A STRONG FIGHTER WHO INSPIRED me and kept pushing me to FIGHT On and pull through?! Yes! Yes I did!! And that person who might that be you ask?! Well I'll tell you, it was my Inspiration and my own Little personal SPECIAL Super Hero Eli!!!!

Words that I could say or write will never come even a tiny bit close to describe how special and how important this Handsome Cutie Pie is!!! Eli is 3 years old and was Diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia. I first stumble upon this beautiful baby boy when I saw a fundraiser that was for him during the time while I was sick. My heart has never broken as much as that moment when I found out what exactly the fundraiser was for. The fact that this young baby had to go through the battle of fighting Cancer just like I was it was one of the most hardest things I haver had to hear and had to believe. No one should ever have to go through this let a lone a child. It was from there I glady started following along his journey through Instagram and ever since that first time I laid my eyes on him and a ear to his story I would never be the same!! I kept a picture of little Eli in my phone so that every time I was in pain Or I felt like I couldn't go any further, I look at it and it would remind me that "If he could do it I could!" Hes such a STRONG FIGHTR always has a smile on his face and still to this day continues to fight with a smile on his face!!! I was soooooooo blessed to have gotten the best Cancer free gift ever!!!! I was surprised and had a surprise visit from little Eli and his very lovely and sweet Mom at our booth at our last event!!!!!!!!! Yuuuup!! I cried like a little baby due to over joy and excitement until I relized HEY! snap ya self together before you scare him so I pulled my self together . . . Eventually lol

OOOOOOOOOOOmyyyyy Goooosh Loves!!! I can not tell you how BLESSED and excited Iam to have met him. If you loves have been following me on insta or on this here blog for a while now you know hooooow much I have been Inspired and Motivated by this lil man. He seriously is one of the BIGGEST reasons why I pulled through with so much positivity he gave me the strength to just pull through and keep fighting!! Most people meet their idols whether its a singer or actor but to me it was this amayzing little boy, and to know I prayed that one day I make it through so I could tell him how much he meant to me OHHHHHHHHH LAWWWWWWWD Ima Cry again!!!! I just cant thank God enough for this blessing and Gift!!

im very excited to say that dreams do come true and Im honored to be able o give little Eli a comfort Kit!!!! It was something Ive been hoping and dreaming of doing when I got better and I just cant get over how I was able to meet him. Soooooo when it comes down to it guys hes My fav by FAR superhero his powers is to give strength and Inspire others!! Always will be so greatful and thankful for having him come into my life. A HUGE shout out and Thank you too Eli's parents for being so kind and so strong!! Thank you for allowing me to meet him and be apart of your lifes and allow me to give him a comfort Kit cant wait till its ready and for him to receive it!! Will always be here to 
show my love and support to you and your beautiful family in any way I can. Cant wait to see you soon!!

Thank you Loves!!

Before I start to do any other posts, I want to first start off by thanking every single one of you loves that took the time out to come support us at the Juneteenth event last month!!!!
I know this is a late post but theres no way I could go on posting before I thanked you loves!! It meant sooo much to see and meet all our supporters in the Oxnard area and it truly was a blessing to be there!!! We had such a good time seeing new and familiar faces, also getting to know all of you was awesome!! To know we have so much support and that you like what Chromatic L'Amour stands for it just brings happy tears to my eyes!!!! Makes all of my journey and my hard times sooooo worth it to be doing what I 'am today. So a HUGE thank you to all you Loves!!! Thank you for coming out and for every item you loves purchased we took a portion out and put it straight towards making comfort kits for cancer patients!!! Also those of you who directly donated to the comfort kits THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH from the bottom of my heart and from the future cancer patients who will receive these kits they will deeply appreciate it!!!! WE are now in the process of making our first set of comfort kits!!!! Whoooooot!!! Whooot!! We Did it Loves!!!!! I will keep you posted on when we will be donating the kits!! We are still in making and processing these kits so as soon as I have more info on those you better believe Ima let y'all know!!
To all my Family and close friends who came out Especially My Parents & Sisters!!! Seriously you guys rock!! The only thing that ever has and still does that keeps my Heart beating is you. All the love and support you have given me day after day means more than anything on this earth to me!! The fact that you took the time out to come support is just the golden icing on the cake for me!!! I love you and will always remember how much love and support you have always and still continue to give me!! For that I will always be greatful!! Due to my phone breaking I apologize that I don't have all the pics to post!!! But here are some I was able to get through a few of our awesome suppporters!!! Thanx for the support loves!! lookin good in the gear!!
Also a BIG shout out to this very Awesome GAL Angelina for not only purchasing some items but also Donating to our Donation box out of her own allowance!!!!!
Also a Huge thank you to this lovely Gal for purchasing gear and for posting bout lil ol me!!!
                      Thanx again Loves you are all so awesome AS ALWAYS!!!!