

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Chromatic L'Amour

Ok Loves! So member when I said I update you on whats been goin on round here!! WEll here it is!! "COMFORT KITS!"
Some of you may have already seen or have received one of these flyers if you have spotted us out at an event recently! We have been hard at work going different places to promote and are very excited that finally after so long we have gotten enough donations to do our first set of "COMFORT KITS!" As I explained before in recent posts, "COMFORT KITS" are a gift basket  with little items that are useful or hopefully items that  will bring a smile on a patient's face when they receive one! It's just little things like a pillow/blanket along with a beanie or book, or toy/activity. There will also be things like hand sanitizer/tissues  things that may be needed or useful when in treatment at the hospital or at home.  I know when I had treatment I  needed things like that all the time! Wether it is a beautiful 3 year old or a wonderfully amayzing 60 year old  DOESN'T MATTER  WHAT AGE "COMFORT KITS" ARE FOR ALL AGES and we are trying to make as many as we can with the donations  from events and from  the donations that come straight out of a Chromatic L'Amour item that you purchase!

I hope that one day Chromatic L'Amour will take off successfully and that we will be able to advance in giving even more to patients. But for now we are so happy and blessed to give what we can. Right now as I said before we are a touring clothing line, there will be some events that we sell and some events that we are so happy that we get asked to promote at, which we may not always sell at but will always have the donation box for "COMFORT KITS". We had originally wanted to start off with just our website of just selling our clothes, but given the circumstances and situations/opportunities at this time. I love what I do and what Chromatic L'Amour is doing, which is taking it slow but awesome because we get to meet all you lovely loves and spreading the word along about CANCER AWARENESS which is all that matters to me right now! It sucks because I know some may be upset by not being able to purchase our stuff on the spot right away, but like they say "All good things are worth waiting for." And its true! I have huge things planned for Chromatic L'Amour and even if they don't come to soon that's ok. It not about money and fame, its about the importance of what we believe in and stand for and that's promoting Cancer Awareness. Im blessed Chromatic L'Amour has been getting offered different opportunities and they are all coming along great. May take some time like always but Rome wasn't built in a day. I will say that I am planning an event for Chromatic L'Amour.(HINT)And I will say it will be somewhere you can purchase all our collections of clothing. (HINT) (HINT) hahaaha!! Im not going to say more in fear I will let the cat out of the bag but y'all will know when its coming. But till then to all of you loves who came out to our booth at Juneteenth, or who have seen us around promoting and take the time to come up to us and donate THANK YOU!! I will be posting pics to update you on what the donations are going towards(COMFORT KITS). I want you to be envolved as much as possible because you are helping this dream of mine come true. You are also helping out in making comfort kits and I want you to know exactly what we are doing. Right now Chromatic L'Amour is getting all the items for the comfort kits ready so that they can be packaged! So keep udated with me on this here blog or on insta : @chromaticlamour or my personal Insta: @liv_vee thank you for being apart of Chromatic L'Amour. And thank you for helping make a difference, by putting a smile on a cancer patients face when they receive a comfort kit knowing that there is nothing but support and love for them. & like what we like to say "Welcome to the Chromatic L'Amour Family and for helping make a difference in Style!"

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