

Saturday, July 5, 2014

My little Super Hero

So Have you ever had one of those days were its the worst of all kinds of problems and danger or really hard times and all you just wanted was a super hero to come save the day!? Well I think its safe to say we've all been there, I know I have!! And its kinda funny how things work, For those of ya who been following me for a while now know I always said I didn't need NO superman, spiderman, or any super hero to come save me. Cause the way I saw it was that I was my own super hero saving myself!!
Weeeeeell part of that may be true in some ways, but as I was thinkin bout it, the funniest thing came to mind! The more and more I look back at my experience the more I realize how blinded I was, and most of all thinking bout it now from a diff point of veiw its soooo True what people say!! Mmmmmmhhhhmmm ya heard me!! God not only works in mysterious ways but God has a FUNNAAAAY scense of Humor!!!! I TAKE BACK WHAT I SAID So let me rephrase that and eat my words haha!! Did I need a super man or spiderman to come save me "NO!! No I did NOT! But did I need A STRONG FIGHTER WHO INSPIRED me and kept pushing me to FIGHT On and pull through?! Yes! Yes I did!! And that person who might that be you ask?! Well I'll tell you, it was my Inspiration and my own Little personal SPECIAL Super Hero Eli!!!!

Words that I could say or write will never come even a tiny bit close to describe how special and how important this Handsome Cutie Pie is!!! Eli is 3 years old and was Diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia. I first stumble upon this beautiful baby boy when I saw a fundraiser that was for him during the time while I was sick. My heart has never broken as much as that moment when I found out what exactly the fundraiser was for. The fact that this young baby had to go through the battle of fighting Cancer just like I was it was one of the most hardest things I haver had to hear and had to believe. No one should ever have to go through this let a lone a child. It was from there I glady started following along his journey through Instagram and ever since that first time I laid my eyes on him and a ear to his story I would never be the same!! I kept a picture of little Eli in my phone so that every time I was in pain Or I felt like I couldn't go any further, I look at it and it would remind me that "If he could do it I could!" Hes such a STRONG FIGHTR always has a smile on his face and still to this day continues to fight with a smile on his face!!! I was soooooooo blessed to have gotten the best Cancer free gift ever!!!! I was surprised and had a surprise visit from little Eli and his very lovely and sweet Mom at our booth at our last event!!!!!!!!! Yuuuup!! I cried like a little baby due to over joy and excitement until I relized HEY! snap ya self together before you scare him so I pulled my self together . . . Eventually lol

OOOOOOOOOOOmyyyyy Goooosh Loves!!! I can not tell you how BLESSED and excited Iam to have met him. If you loves have been following me on insta or on this here blog for a while now you know hooooow much I have been Inspired and Motivated by this lil man. He seriously is one of the BIGGEST reasons why I pulled through with so much positivity he gave me the strength to just pull through and keep fighting!! Most people meet their idols whether its a singer or actor but to me it was this amayzing little boy, and to know I prayed that one day I make it through so I could tell him how much he meant to me OHHHHHHHHH LAWWWWWWWD Ima Cry again!!!! I just cant thank God enough for this blessing and Gift!!

im very excited to say that dreams do come true and Im honored to be able o give little Eli a comfort Kit!!!! It was something Ive been hoping and dreaming of doing when I got better and I just cant get over how I was able to meet him. Soooooo when it comes down to it guys hes My fav by FAR superhero his powers is to give strength and Inspire others!! Always will be so greatful and thankful for having him come into my life. A HUGE shout out and Thank you too Eli's parents for being so kind and so strong!! Thank you for allowing me to meet him and be apart of your lifes and allow me to give him a comfort Kit cant wait till its ready and for him to receive it!! Will always be here to 
show my love and support to you and your beautiful family in any way I can. Cant wait to see you soon!!

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