

Monday, July 14, 2014

Thanks be to God

Hey loves, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Well as for me I've been going insane!! On top of trying to get things together and work, I was told that it was time for a PET SCAN. Now for those of you who have been following along this here blog for a while now or follow me on facebook or instagram, you already know it is not my first PET Scan.
PET Scans unfortunately are a little to much familiar to me. PET Scans are basically a Radiation fluid like substance that contains sugar I believe, or a substance like sugar that is injected into the vein almost like a blood draw and then is distributed through your system through your blood flow. After that it takes about 30-45 minutes to settle in before your off to the scanning room. looks just like this pic down below.
Its almost like a CAT scan I guess you could say its just a scan that takes special pictures (Scans) that show your internal organs and body. Basically the fluid that you are injected with if there is any cancer cells in the body or cancerous tumors, this particular scan will light those areas up. Which allows the doctors to see if there is still cancer in your system, which is why I was very stressed.
We all know I've taken many to the point were I've lost count, and none of them have been good except the last one I took in November 2013 which showed my tumors were non cancerous. Even though you would think great! Its gone! NOT necessarily. A lot of people assume that as soon as you are Cancer free its done and your clear, buuuut in reality you are still very much so in risk. It usually takes 1-2 years to make sure there Is no recurrence of the cancer cells, as well as trying to also recover. I can first off hand say I laughed it of when they told me it would take 2 years to recover or more from all my treatment including my stem cell treatment. I thought oh that's not gonna be me i'll pull through and work hard get back in shape HA! yea right! My ass is still struggling to get back on track and do normal things, like walking long distances and eating certain things its almost like retraining your body how to live! How to sleep, how to eat, how to walk, I mean you name it. Its not a easy or fast recovery for anyone that goes through cancer treatments. I used to and still do at times question why other patients would go to work while getting treatment and I could just not understand why my body at the time or moment would not let me do the same. But its not until I actually realized, I was sick for longer than I even began to notice or was aware I had cancer.
My battle was almost a 3 year day to day fight. I mean you try recovering from biopsy's, blood transfusions, bone marrow tests, shots, injections, hair loss, weight loss, weight gain, gallstones, bladder infections, sinus infections, stomach infections, mini surgical procedures, breathing treatments, eye infections, EXTREME NAUSEA and VOMITTING, passing out spells, hot flashes, platelet transfusions, and im not even gonna get into the restroom probs its just a list of on and on and on. You think your body is gonna get over that with a low immune system I don't think sooooooo. Till this day im still getting back on track to recovery and its tough but in the end worth it! You know why?! Well loves I just received my PET SCAN RESULTS back today and im soooooooo happy to say that officially FINALLY there is absolutely no trace of tumors or cancer in my body!!!!!! Although before I was clear of Cancer before I still had tumors, but thank God for his blessing and that now there is no more tumors they have resolved, its like they weren't even there!!! I'm soooooooooooooooooo beyond blessed for this miracle!! I just cant help but cry tears of joy! With six months to live if not treated to here now healthy is just mind blowing!! will I be clear forever I have no clue, I have over a 95% chance I will have breast Cancer and a secondary cancer any day now due to all the chemo and radiation that I've had over these couple of years. But for now Thank you God for allowing me to not only wake up and breathe but to be Cancer free as well. I can never thank God enough for also giving me a second chance at life! I now own my own Clothing line that is helping Cancer patients I mean hooooooow much better could things get!! I will never forget what ive been through nor will I ever forget that I need to still be careful because I don't know what could happen tomorrow or next year, I could relapse at any time. But what I do know is I will never or forget where I came from and most importantly there is still cancer patients out there who need love and support!!!!! I will never stop fighting!!
                                                                   I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!

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