

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Alive And Loving All

Hey you beautiful Loves! Hope all y'all had a fab day and are having a great night! It tis late but I just couldn't help mah self I had to blog to feel ya in on whats been goin on round huur. ok! So first things first. . . . . . . Yuuuuuuuuuuuuup it aint no surprise, I bet you prob already guessed DRUUUUUM ROOOOOOOOOOOLL! YES its true I was in the ER again. I promise to make this story short and hopefully entertaining with my experience for your reading pleasure of course, but Sometimes I feel like I should just change this to a " How many times have I been to the Er" blog! Buuuuuuuut I wont I will just stick to my very own horrific grammar random moments blog for now, but its an idea for another blog that's for sure ha!
Ok sooo back on the subject it was on Friday night I started to feel the worst pain ever in my upper stomach/ribcage, It was so bad it shot all the way back to my back! It started off as heartburn and what felt like acid reflex which is something unfortunately after treatments I noticed my stomach started to become familiar with, so it wasn't like a big shock. But eventually it was so bad I was vomiting from the pain and could barely walk. I was in the waiting room for 6 hours before getting in a room and to make things worse lets just say thank GOD!! Thank you!!! For my amazing Mom for driving me and helping me get out of the car since apparently no one at the front office of the ER could help on account of being to busy.(Apparently I guess working in the ER office has changed and being busy meant standing around doing absolutely nothing while talking/laughing) any way After a total of what was 12 hours x-rays and other tests, it was mah dang gallbladder! I finally will be in the process of finally removing it due to gallstones being stuck.
At times I have people tell me I have been through so much and that it seems like I cant catch a break. And although sometimes I want to agree something holds me back and I cant help but say things happen for a reason. Some agree and others don't but to me I truly believe that no matter what comes our way we are put through things to learn and become wiser and stronger from it. God has truly been with me every step of the way every day good or bad and its not that he allows bad things to happen, but more of the scence that this is the path I must walk to get where I need to be. Along the way there may be hard times but I will pull through with his love and grace and make the best of it. Why?! Because I remember that im not living for me. We are here on this earth for one purpose, and if Loving,trying to help, and care for other people means going through tough times to help others than why not. Hard times wont last forever and are simply just another bump in the road.
(Make sure to Follow me on Instagram if you haven't already)
I lay awake in bed every night and every moment reflecting on my life and to be honest I didn't start living until the day I realized what truly really mattered. Im blessed to have a 2nd chance at livig and every moment that I get will not be wasted. Its very easy to get distracted I will admit, theres times I get very dpressed over some things but I come back to the realization of why I started and why Im here still. There's many things in life I need to do and lately no matter how hard life gets or what pain I feel in things I choose to make something good come out of it!!!
Which brings me to hopefully tomorrows "NEW" post : of Chromatic L'Amour's new set Of "Comfort Kits" progress! Pain and all y'all im still workin on  maken a difference!! And to me that's whats most important and what I live for!
And of course ya know I had to post a pic of this lil Darlin! Im not sure if it was or not but to me every day is National Puppy Day!!!! Isnt she the cutest! Although she is the hardest kid to take a pic of! Its blurry but its the best I could do with her today haha!! She was so excited to be playin in her Nana's and Gran Pops backyard!
Well apparently Its already tomorrow now so im off to shoot out the lights! Gotta big bright and early day tomorrow, Night Loves!

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