

Thursday, March 12, 2015

It was 3:49 AM when I last glanced at the clock. I was screaming so loud at the top of my lungs not only do I think the heavens could hear my awful horrid scream, but everyone in the neighborhood. I can still feel the tears running down my face as I lay paralyzed chocking on my sobs. My throat is really soar and a whole hour has already passed since my nightmare, if you can even call it that. Waking up to what I can remember a shadow figure choking me is not so much my favorite wake up call.02/03/2015
So how was that for a change, sort of a creepy way to start off this blog post but of course leave it to me to post something like that! The even creepier part is its a true story, maybe it was all the stress at that time but apparently February was the month for the most horrific back to back nightmares for me. In most of my latest posts these last couple of months I've talked about not feeling very well and not knowing why, it seemed like pretty much all the time I was sick with random things. Unfortunately with that it came along with a whooole lot of trips to the ER including bringing me to my most recent trip to the ER which happened to land on an unexpected day. Ooooh Valentines day ya sure gave me a thrill this year that's for sure!
Thank God after loads of extremely horrible head pain and bloody noses and what felt like millions of test scans/Spinal Tap mini procedure, it was all worth it to find out that I did not have an Aneurism. Although I was bursting with joy to get the news that thank God it wasn't an Aneurism it struck up some fear and A red flag not just to me but to my doctors. Sooooooo they issued a PET SCAN.
Pet scans are always really nerve wrecking because they show if your system is clear or if there is detected cancer in the body. Every so often I get a pet scan because Im still not out of the woods yet, it has been a while I've been clear but because my of my case of Hodgkin's it was very different than most so I have a different recovery process. So when my numbers go up because of me being sick with all kinds of random stuff its scary because I have to go through the whole process again and have to do all kinds of tests. To make sure its not the hodgkins and the easiest way is the pet scan sooooooo with that being said im very happy to say that it came back clear!!!! I have learned I need my gallbladder taken out and still am not sure why I have a chronic cough but Im not complaing as long as im clear of cancer! And it came just in time for a somewhat new fresh start for my 23rd Birthday!!!
Words cant describe how truly blessed I feel to be another year wiser. The best gift of all is being able to wake up and being able to be with the ones I love the most! For me I feel Birthdays are my new fresh start of the year feeling, because I always feel so much more I guess older haha. I can see myself becoming more of a women each year and this year im very happy to be where I'am.
Plus I be lying if I wasn't excited about my birthday dinner mah Momma makes every year for me!!!! I mean how good does this look!!! Yuuuuuum!!
This year I chose sea food and it was amaaaaaaayzing!!!!! Thank you Mommy!!!
And as my favorite Disney song says, "When you wish upon a shooting star Makes no difference who you are anything your heart desires It will come to you If your heart is in your dream No request is to extreme" so on that note here is quick update on Chromatic L'Amour for you loves!!! I know its been a while since I've talked about Chromatic and posted on instagram but I've been taking more time to focuse on the "Comfort Kits!" And im very excited to announce we are getting ready to deliver a whole new set to patients!! One day I hope to open up the online store as for now im working on more of the behind the scenes Talking and reaching out to patients as well as designing new things and projects also looking into doing an event so that you loves will be able to get your self some Chromatic gear! but as for now Im just very blessed and honored that we have received donations for the kits and that we are working on making the comfort kits complete, so I will definitely be you keeping updated on that! So to all that have been waiting so patiently and supporting us thank you!! Its really important to me to try and stay healthy while working on Chromatic so in time I cant wait to se what 23 has in store for me!!!

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