

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Hey Loves! Hope y'all had an amazing day! SUPER stoked that I finally finished this batch of new comfort kits! It was a bit hard cause I had originally wanted to post earlier but had to take breaks in between due to the pain from my dang gallbladder! But finally after forever and a day I am now here and excited to share with ya all the details!
 First off, I can not even began to describe how amazingly beautiful these beanies are and how they came out!! Im so beyond blessed and thankful that they were hand made and customized just for our special fighters and I can not wait for the patients to receive them!!!!! (Here are just a few up above) A huge shout out goes to Mrs.M.Gonzales!!!! She took the time out to make these beauty's and donate them and I just can not thank you enough!!! I know for a fact that the patients will love them and again I am beyond so blessed and so grateful for you to have gone out of you way to do this for us!!
I also want to take the time to give a shout out To all that have donated by either purchasing our clothing which helped us take a portion to make these kits and to those who have just generously gave us a donation out the kindness of their hearts for us to do this! Without you none of this would be happening, you are helping us make a difference here at Chromatic L'Amour and for that I can not thank you enough!!! Thank you Thank you for helping me live out my dreams and helping me make a difference! Also a huge shout out to Mrs.G.Valdez for a very generous offer that all went to the Kits and again Mrs.M.Gonzales for making an donating the beanies!!!!! Thank you sooooooooo much I love you!!!! You guys Rock!!!
And here they are! Some pics of the comfort kits!!! Im sorry I know they aren't the best quality pics but I don't have a really fancy smancy camera to take cool photos unfortunately haha! Buuut I do have an really cool iPhone that gets the job done so thank you iPhone you did well!!!
This time the comfort kits included on the go Water bottle containers, tissues, hand sanitizers, the beanies and more! Most of the time A lot of people who aren't familiar with what we do are confused sometimes with what we put in the kits. Tissues hand sanitizers? All the items that are in the kits are something that the patients can use during treatment or even at home! I remember when I was in the hospital or at my treatments these where things I needed on daily basis even on the go or during appointments. Its just a little something to show we care and something to hopefully comfort and bring a smile to their faces! And not to mention I thought since its so close to Easter to make cute baskets to put every thing in, cool right! >
I hope I will be able to deliver these sometime this week! Im aiming and hoping for tomorrow but it depends on when the Oncology center can allow me to and then they are off and into the hands of the patients! And as for a quick Chromatic L'Amour update I know a lot of you are asking if we have an online website and sadly no not yet but one day! As for now we are promoting here and there at random trying to spread the word, and are hoping to do more events so that you can purchase some Chromatic gear! Until then I will for sure let you know when we do our next event!
And if you want to see Special stories on other comfort kits we have done prior to these feel free to check them out! Just scroll your self on over to the right hand side of this page under blog archive to find a specific post, or just feel free to scroll down to the end of this page and click on older post! Till next time loves im callin it a night!! Muuuuah!! XOXOXO

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