

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Another ER round : I Think I cant breathe!!

Hey Loves! 
Hope ya all are well and having a lovely Day!
  So Im pretty sure you can already tell what I've been up to lately since the last time I've been on here, from the pic down below and the title up top.
Yuuuuuuup craaaaap it was anotha round to the ER for this girl.

So as of recently I was starting to notice that its been getting harder and harder to breathe but the docs said it was normal and  it was just a side affect from the radiation.
Pluse it wasnt that bad yet,I would sort of kinda get out of breathe but go back to normal so didnt really bother me that much.
So loooooong story short loves I know It's totally obvs that  when your lips turn purple and you cant catch your breathe you shld sooo go in and being a CNA I should know better but it wasnt till like yesterday it was so bad that I decided to go in.  (STUPID!! I knoooow)
Buuuuuuut FYI I always call or go in when needed! I may have waited this one out way to long before I went in, but I really thought it was gonna go away like it did before.
I guess I was just scared/in denile and was in a " I'm totally fine I can do this" zone buuuuuut I meaaaan come on "OLIVIA" your not freggin WONDER WOMEN!!! (YES I scold/talk to my self)
I mean even super heros need help sometimes right....

So going in they thought it was a heart murmur which made me almost piss my pants.
Then they thought It was a Blood clot which really made me piss my pants.
Then they said it could be other things because of radiation side affects and ooooh gooooosh I was freaking out!! I kept calm even tho was there for a total of 6 hours!!!

Between going to a diff rooms,x-rays,blood work,having staff forget bout me,having the doc scavanger hunt for me all that good stuff it was a looooong wait!!
Results came back and was told I have Pleurisy (sweeling of the lung tissue) nothing really to worry bout because its due to the radiation but to keep a close watch on my breathing incase any worse it cld be something more seriouse.
Buuuuuut the highlight of this hard scarey adventure I got the HOTEST Nurse tech in training to keep an eye on me!!!! Hahaha!!!!

Well loves now that I caught you up on the deal-e-o ima go get some rest, Still haven a lil trouble with breathing but its all good, Im blessed that it wasnt anything worse and Im thankful to be livivng another day. Take care loves and when it comes to a situation like mine dont wait to get checked!!

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the those who were at the terrible Boston incedint : To those who passed, who were hurt and injured and to their families.

No one should ever havet to go through or see these things!
What is this world coming to. . . .

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