

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Unfortunate News

Hey Loves! Well Its about to be the wee hours of the morn and I can't sleep.
Man oh man theres alot on my mind! So the results came back from the Cat scan and unfortunately Loves there was not so much good news . . .
There hasn't been much change at all.
Now cat scans we all know basically show like shadows of whats inside of you and in this case the
measurements of the tumor show that its the same. There is no way of telling with this particular scan that if it is still cancerous . . .  ? ? ? yeah I know this shit is confusing.
Long story short this could mean 3 things
A. I could be cancer free and it is just still to early to see if the radiation has worked (WHICH WE ARE HOPING)
B. It is still very much so Cancer and need to go through more surgeries to figure out what we shld do next
and C. It may not be Hodgkins Lymphoma theres a chance it turned into something else.

The only way to find out for sure is the BIG TEST!!!!
The Pet Scan which will be the first week of May it will show exactly if it is still Cancer and I pray to God it isn't.

At this point loves Im not so sure how to feel honestly, I mean it could be worse so I shouldnt complain but then the hard part is knowing that maybe one day soon it may come to being worse. The more and more I push the worst case scenario thoughts away the harder they come pounding back in my head.
I dont know where tomorrow or even next year will lead. I could live till im old or die when im young but one thing I know is I will never stop fighting!!

So in the mean time Ima keep continuing to be busy with work and listening to my fav bands and thier amayzing tunes that are helping me get through these tough times. Now I could be here for days telling you how much in LOVE and how much in AWWWE Iam with these bands but I woooooont for your sake I'll make it short haha!
Enjoy I know I will!!!

What are some of your fav artist/bands or songs msg me on KIK : Liv_Vee

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