Hey Loves! Well as you know Its been a hard week to get through as you know my Nana passed away, and I cant belive its already been a lil over a week since shes been gone. Its something I wont ever get used to but as a family we are trying to pull through and get through this together. There will always be hard times but It can't rain forever.
Which brings me to Today's Topic!
Today is my My lovely sisters Birfday!! WHOOT!! WHOOT!!
Now if I put her age on here she will kill me so I won't mention she is turning 29 . . .
Happy birthday Shell!! Now I know alot of people say this Loves but seriously my BIG SIS is amayzing and she seriously is th best Big sister ever! I know the first couple of years in our life we hated and despised eachother I mean we are 8 years apart (could dad and mom have taken any longer to have me) haha! But I love your short lil self and calling you 24/7 wondering what your doing even though you might be over here at my casa in the very next room haha!!! I don't know where I would be without you watching over me all these years. I love you and other than you being a sista and best friend you are one of the few people in my life that mean the world to me and I adore you . . . . sometimes . . . . hahaha nooooo yeeeeeees. . . well any ways sorry loves this is turning into to much of a mushy lovey fest so I'll end it here saying what went down today and how it was yet another family affair and it was lovely!
So Here was the run down for today
We ate a wicked breakfast at Eggs ~N~ Things!!
Then spent the whole day debating what the heck she wanted todo Cause ya know some people can't make up there minds (SHELL) then finally we decidede to go watch . . . . .
Which was amayzing!! Loved it! Pluse the fact that James Franco was in it and was like practically in every scene was the beeeeeeeeeest part! (Drool... Drool) just sayin!!!
Oh! ~N~ it made it that much better knowing we had the whole place to ourselves!
Then last but not least we ended with some awesome Ice cream brownie dessert which I sooo shld have taken a pick of cause it was so pretty but I sooo attacked it before I could find my phone to take a pic haha!
Night loves!
and once again Happy Birthday to my sassy sista!!
(throw back thursday haha!)
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