

Monday, April 8, 2013

Well Good Morning Loves!
It is yet another busy week upahead for this gal.
First on Todays and this weeks list is a Cat Scan and results tomorrow!
Now im keeping CALM . . .  for the most part haven't really been trying to think about it.
Although it's scarey knowing that I will be going through all the big tests again to see if the Cancer is gone I still have high hopes!! (FINGERS CROSSED!!)
And I'm very HAPPY to have gotten the news today that a family friend has just been told she is cancer free along with  2 of my Aunts that recieved results that they were clear and Negative to any cancer. Now if ya'll can come on and pass that good luck on over here to lil ol me that be pretty awesome haha!!

Well Loves I hope you have an amayzing day!

And don't think I forgot about the sneak peeks that I promised for the clothing line, I've gotten alot of asks bout that and I know its taken forever BELIEVE me I know!!! Im dying to show ya! I never really knew how long it took to get all these demos and stuff together (NIEVE) but hang in there they're comin soon!!!!

Make sure to keep posted and follow me on Instagram and Vine
: @liv_vee

And if you dont have one get your self on over and jump on it!

1 comment:

  1. Id probably be the last cousin ud think would post, but I truely admire ur strength an ur Drive to move forwatd. lolly I truely admire u and send positive thoughts.for u an family. U keep beein you. Ur absolutely amazing,an I see u have begun to make difference. I love u! an ur in my thought everyday. U keep showin everyone the beauty u share. ur makin a statement some dont see...u remind others no matter what, beauty is always there. youve always been beautiful to me. ur strenght has shined how beautiful ur soul is. I may not express it but I love so much, an I Pray for u everyday. .. Te amo y
