

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Fathers Day!!

Hey Loves Hope you are all having a Lovely day!!
Its been again crazy in this here casa of mine and boy do I got loooaaads to tell ya!!!
So be ready these next couple of days! I'll be posting like crazy to catch you loves up on everything!!
I got sick these last couple of days since I last posted and since then have some
 Bad/Good News.

Buuuuuuuut for Today is Fathers day and it is only right for me to pay my Respect to
My daddy and dedicate todays post to him!!!

This right here is the Dade-o and although he will hate im putting him on here I dont care haha!!
One thing Im most thankful for is having my Dad here still with us.
He's been through alot and even with accidents and difficult health problems he still fights the pain he feels each day and trials that always come his way and puts on a strong smile to face the day.

NOW, for those of you that know this guy we all know how Verbal this man really is and all know that back in the day and still some what (ALOT) now speaks his mind!!!!!!!!!!! 
and if you think your gonna try and walk all over him think again cause your ass will be grass.
Fo realz loves not even playin my Dad is crazy hard core you can ask anybody that knows him
Only if you rub him the wrong way tho hes not aways like that in fact when ever I have friends that meet him I lend up wondering if they are his friends or my friends cause every one always ask about him hahaha!!

But my point is that Im told I take after my Dad and Im very luck to say that Im proud of that fact!
Im proud to be like my dad for many reasons.

He is one of the most strongest men I have ever met literally, Im proud that my Dad has always stuck by my Mom's side over the years and has always shown nothing but support for his three girls.
He worked 15 hour shifts to help support His family untill he was disabled from injuring his back and was told that from the damage that was done to nerves and to spine he would be in a wheel chair for life and would not be able to walk. 
He has fought his way through MANY and I mean MANY surgeries and through it all there is no wheel chair for him to sit in thank God!! He has been walking this whole entire time.
Although his pack pain and health problems are chronic not once have I ever seen my dad show us that he is in pain, and no matter what he is always there to every docs appointment or award or anything that he can to show us his support and that he cares.
Hes the one man I know who always has and will protect me and never leave my side.
Love you Daddy!!!
Always and Forever,

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