

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Meeting with Hope and a Date with Chemo

Hey loves!!
So guess what!!!
Finally made a youtube account!!!
If you havent already seen I've posted some vids so get ur self on over and check em out!
Im hoping to be able to share and give more of an inside look at what I've been going through and lets face it you loves prob dont want to be reading till your eyes bleed out anymore form all my loooong post hahaha!!
so I thought I start the vids.
Im still new at the whole youtube thing so forgive me for poor quality film lol
I wish I was a pro at maken vids but untill then I'll start with these.
As for having that meeting at the hospitol to talk about the stem cell treatment, it went well.
I talk about it in the most recent vid.
Its still scarey knowing that I will go through more chemo and more hard times up ahead, but like I always say it could be worse and I just pray to God that hopfully the out come of things will be that Im cancer free and it will all be worth it in the end!!

Well Loves Chemo is tomorrow and Im dreaaaaading it!!!!
Trying to keep positive and keep focused!!!!
Wish me good luck!!!!

Make sure to add me on Facebook,Instagram,Vine, or KIK
Feel free to write me or ask me questions!
Been getting some really awesome questions so far and I cant wait to Make a vid answering them all!!
Take care loves!!!
Be back soon!!!

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