

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Catching Your Diamonds #84

Hey Loves! Hoping all of you are doing well and having an AWESOME day so far! I am super stoked to announce that I'm approaching my 100th Blog Post and I could not be any more excited! You loves have been with me since day one starting this blog with my journey through battling Cancer and even now to present day. You have seen me grow and seen me go through happy/hard times, you have seen me struggle and have seen me push forward to fight for my dreams and what I believe in! So in honor of that I have decided that on my 100th post I will be doing a special give away of diff items including some merch from my clothing line Chromatic L'Amour!! It's something I would love to do especially for you loves who have been nothing but supportive to me!!Its no surprise this here blog means so much to me and it means so much more because of those (YOU) who read it! So make sure to keep updated to see how you could win the special give aways! Today is post 84 so only 16 more to go!
Also In the spirit of everything I'm also really exited that starting this Friday every month will be a new theme for the blog and this Month what better theme than Music! I will be interviewing different Music Artists and you loves will get a closer look into their music and about themselves!!
And the first story I feature will be on the Incredibly Awesome Band "THE AFTER HOURS" !!! So make sure to log on Friday and see my special Minnie Interview with The Bands Guitarist Bruce Matis! See ya Loves on Friday!!!

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