Hey loves! It's been a lil bit of a gap since I last posted due to a really bad cold, but I'm better and ready for another post of this months theme, Music! It's the last week of May and unfortunately we only have one more Artist to go after today's post.(SAD FACE)BUUUT until then how about getting to know a ridiculously awesome and very talented young women with a really chill Hip Hop/Neo Soul sound. Super excited to be featuring the beautiful Miss "J.Lynn" today!!!
Take a look and listen to her Hot Single "I RISE" !!!!!
And since I can totally tell you all had to have loved that cause I know I did! If you want to check out more of J.Lynn make sure to purchase "I Rise" on ITunes right now! And you can also find her on Instagram: @yeskahsweet
Facebook: Jessica Kimble,YouTube and Soundcloud.
"I Rise"was one of the first songs I heard by J.Lynn, and what was really cool was the first time I heard it she had performed it live. She has such a chill vibe in her music that I can't help but love and what I really like is she also has a reggae feel as well. Best of all I love the fact that her message in her music and in person is so positive.
My sisters and I are really blessed that we have had the chance to meet someone not only talented but kind. Above all I seriously can not get over how good her live performances are! She knows what she's doin and it shows by how pumped she gets the crowed going! When She takes the stage she owns it and her music takes off making you want to sing along and dance! To me I think that is one of the coolest things is when an artist can do that, especially when they interact with the crowd and she totally does with a feel good vibe.
And now without further ado here is my interview with the lovely Miss J.Lynn!!!
Q: Can you tell me a little about how yourself and how you first started off in music?
A: My name is J.Lynn. I am a hip-hop/reggae/neo soul artist. How I started off in music? I started dabbling with music when I lived in the Coachella Valley area from 2008-2012, I use to jam out with a reggae band called "Revol Concept", then in 2013 I moved out to Oxnard and started making a name for myself in the Ventura County Community as a hip-hop and neo-soul artist. Just recently I've discovered that most of new music has a more reggae feel.
Q: When was your first ever performance live, how was that experience for you?
A: My first performance live, wow, my first performance was at an open-mic 2008 in Palm Springs California. I performed a song on my guitar, I was so nervous that my hands were shaking making it difficult for me to hold the guitar notes, hahaha!
The last time I saw you, I watched you perform your song "I Rise". Which I totally have to say I love by the way! It's such a chill vibe, yet it so makes you wanna get up and not only sing along but dance to it.
Q: What was your inspiration writing that song? Can you tell us more about the meaning of the song?
A: I RISE!! Haha! My inspiration for that song was, good vibrations, I just wanted people to feel good. The meaning of that song is always shifting, it's a song about triumph, fighting internal battles and rising above the challenges life throws at us. I Rise is about feeling good about oneself and living in love.
Q: Who are some music artist that have helped inspired you in your music career?
A: Yarah Bravo, KNS Rockstar, Jay Sinuous, Israel Acosta, Sade Champagne, System of a Down, Lauryn Hill, Damian Marley, Stephan Marley, Erykah Badu, Nick Dolson, Danny Cedeno, Alton Ellis, Orishas, Locos Por Juana.
Q: If it's one message that you wish or hope that people take from your music what would it be?
A: Don't be afraid to discover yourself. It's okay to be self centered, being self centered is being balanced within yourself. Nobody can be you better than you! We were created in the image of the Most High and within each of us all is a universe of creativity expansion and love.
Q:Can we expect any new music or music videos on YouTube or on iTunes any time soon?!
A: Yes, I will be dropping some new acoustic sounds! My sounds are ever changing, but I'll still keep it hip-hop!
And last but not least here are some Fun and Random/Questions to throw into the mix!
Q: Let's say you had the chance to ask an Alien one question, what question would that be?
A: Hahaha! If I could ask an Alien a question!?!?!? Hahahahaha!! I would ask about other parts of the universe and what that Alien's planet is like compared to Earth.
Q: If you could be a character in any of your favorite cartoon shows growing up, what cartoon would you want to be in and why?
A: If I could be a cartoon? That's a good one, I think I'd be Jiggly Puff, I will sing my opponents to sleep. haha!
Q: I'm all about vibes and when it comes to Auras If you could choose the color of your Aura, what colors or color would you want your aura to be?
The color of my aura would be a honey lavender, calm and soothing.
Alright guys and there you have it! A Special Thank you to the awesome J.Lynn for taking the time out to do this! Thank you Love!!!
Make sure to swing on by the Juneteenth celebration to see J.Lynn,KNS ROCKSTAR and other talented artist perform on that days Celebration!!!
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