Man! Where do I even begin to start with these two, as I mentioned before I have the honor of being able to call them not only my friends, but to me to be honest its much more than that, they are FAMILY!! They are just like a Brother and Sister to not only my siblings and I but if they could, Im sure my parents would try to adopt them and call them their own hahaha! But before I get into how I know them I will first start with letting you loves get to know them a little.
The Hip Hop husband and wife duo known as KNS ROCKSTAR is lead by Keyi and Silky from Nashville. They now reside in Oxnard California where not only the town loves them but where they make such a big impact and difference in their community. KNS Rockstar approaches their music with a more positive note which attracts a wide range group of different audiences. They have strong roots in their religion and although they also have a positive attitude, don't get mistaken thinking their music is all soft! When they hit the stage and perform let me just say they kill it!! Their upbeat music will hit you and make you want to get up and dance no matter what your doing or where your at! Their energy seeing them live is so strong you cant help but admire their talent. I know now a days there are so many artist that are very talented, but I can honestly say I truly believe that KNS ROCKSTAR is that music/entertainment that the world needs now a days not only for an older generation but especially for the younger generation!
One of the biggest things I admire so much about KNS ROCKSTAR is their big heart, especially to reach out to people and help in any way they can. One of the things they feel strongly and passionate about is bullying and trying to stop it and reach out to the younger generation. I've seen in person how amazing it is to see not just kids but adults not only enjoy their music but become inspired by what they do. Their message is so strong and the vibes they give off are just so comforting and caring! There has been many to reach out to them on bullying and how KNS has helped make their lives better. I mean that right there says it all! You can ask any one who knows them and they will all tell you the same thing, they are two of the most kindest inspirational people on this earth.
I first met and heard about KNS when I was still in treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer, I was having a really tough time with all my treatments finding out that nothing was working at that time and in fact the cancer was spreading. I had gone through a lot already and was told I only had 6 months to live if not given the right treatment, which was especially hard just having lost my grandmother and there was so much going on in our family it was a really dark time not only for my family but myself. There was a lot of hate and people trying to tear me down saying I wasn't sick I was faking it, that my Clothing line was never going to make it, I shouldn't even try. I mean really not so good times and KNS had heard my story through a mutual friend and right away they contacted me and asked if there was anything they could do. And it was shortly after that they visited me and gave me the cutest t shirt, and it was from then on I was so blessed and taken back at how kind they were to my family and me!
They gave us sooooo much support and prayers they were always there to lend a helping hand or encouraging word and even till this day they remain still two of the most supportive people in my life. I'm truly blessed to have them in my life as not only friends/fam but as mentors. They have coached me through all the hard times starting my career and even now in hard times I cant even begin to explain how comforting it is to know they are by my side always there to help guide me. They have and still continue to do so much for me and all I can do is Thank you for always understanding and being there I love you fam always and forever! Awwwwwwwww mah gosh ima cry hahah! ok so before I do here's one of my fav songs "Woke up in my City" which ya totally have to check out! And Then lets move on to the questions!!!
Q: How Did you both meet? And How Did KNS ROCKSTAR form? A: We met in Nashville Tenn at a bowling alley i was not suppose to be at and seen my wife with a mutual friend and i told my friend to hook it up lol. Kns Rockstar was formed after noticing that i was to much like usher and chris brown so i told my wife lets be the next big husband and wife team.
Q: What is the most important message you would want people to take from your music? A: The most important message would be never be afraid to do clean music and that you don't have to curse to have a hit.
Q: When did you realize music was your passion and you wanted to pursue it as a career? A: (Key-I) I knew at the age of 5 i wanted to entertain. My mother and father would tell me to dance at gatherings and i loved it. Then I seen a man on tv named Micheal Jackson and that was it. I've been entertaining ever since.
Q: What is your best Advice to those who want to be involved in the music industry like yourselves? A: To artist out there that want to be in the music game you better get prayed up and get covered with the blood of Jesus cause temptation is out there waiting on you weak links and that's for sure. The reason we've made it through is because we're covered from head to toe we'll tell you we love God buddy and don't care if you like it or not.. Women don't care Men don't care drugs everyyy where free liquor all on the table. Get it together with God before yall make those moves you think you'd be smoking weed you'd be smoking heavy chevys and all. The next thing you know you're an addict or Alcoholic and when you loose everything you're family and friends abandon you trust me we know we had stars that we looked up to sleeping on our couch and we fed them and guess where they are dead. So be careful what you wish for .
Q:What has been your favorite song to perform live? A: "Welcome To Cali" and "I Woke Up In My City" can't pick one lol
Q:What helps inspire you when writing songs? Anything in specific, or is it just what seems to come to mind? A: The tracks i make they just bring my writting skillz to life.
Q: If you had one question you could ask an Alien from outer space, what would it be? A: I would ask an alien why you guys just waiting to come down to earth lol
Q: If you could be a super Hero what would you call yourself and what would your super power be? A: Mr.Bangarz and my super powers would be music notes of joy.
Q: If you could Invent any flavor ice cream in the world that has not been made yet what would it be? A: Sour Bubble Ice Cream lol
And there you have it! That is KNS ROCKSTAR! Make sure to find them and their music on iTunes, YouTube, Twitter : @KNSROCKSTAR, Instagram : @knsrockstar_ & Facebook. Also you can find KNS ROCKSTAR Performing this year At the JUNETEENTH CELEBRTAION EVENT on June 20th,2015 10:00AM - 6:00PM Plaza Park/500 South C Street, Oxnard, CA 93030
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