

Friday, May 8, 2015

The After Hours

Hey Loves! Hoping every one of you are having a great day so far! I don't know about you but I'm super stoked today to start off this months blog theme "Music"!! And the first story I feature will be on the Amazingly Awesome Band "THE AFTER HOURS"!!!!
First off I just want to take the time out to give a special THANK YOU to "The After Hours" especially to Bruce Matis (Guitar) for taking the time out to answer my questions! I super really appreciate it and loved hearing your answers by the way haha! And last but not least I'm sure I speak not only for myself but for many when I say Thank you for making some pretty rad tunes!!! You guys Rock!!
I first came across The After Hours when I was on Instagram, and automatically I can say they grabbed my attention. I mean what's not to like when it comes to their sound full of pure Rock & Roll mixed with some 60's era of rock on top of them adding in there own special unique sense of style. All together it's freggin AWESOME! Not to mention I couldn't help but instantly go deeper into awwwwe when I saw there really awesome 60's style/pants! White and black stripe pants uhhhhhh I mean what girl isn't like overly excited when it comes to really awesome Gents that have a nice style and play good Music! (Soooo Ok im totally aware that I just sounded like a groupie hahah! Opps! Buut Im nooooooot ok just really digging their style they gots some major Mojo if ya ask me! There aint no room to hate but just to appreciate their style! Just sayin!)

Their catchy tunes and lyrics will for sure get ya singing along, the way they perform and sound you can tell they have passion for what they do and you can hear it. To me that is the most attracting thing when it comes to music, when you can feel the artist's passion in playing or singing their music and in this case it shows its all right there in their music! Buut as much as I would love to go on about how ridiculously awesome they are im sure once you hear for your self you will think the same. Of course I had to share one of my favs from them down below on the video "Going to the Go-Go" which is off of their EP "Shaken, Not Stirred"
 Available Now on Bandcamp, NoiseTrade, iTunes, Amazon, & Spotify! Also check them out on YouTube here's just one of their vids!

Ok loves! So now on to the questions here is my special Minnie Interview With The After Hours Band Member Bruce Matis!


Band Members Ryan Wilkins - Vocals   Bruce Matis - Guitar    Masa Nishimura - Bass   Paul Niedzwiecki - Drums


Q: How did the band form and come together, did you all already know each other? A: Back in January of 2013, after jamming and writing and refining over a number of months, we officially put The After Hours name on an idea conceived by myself (Bruce) and Ryan. We had a common interest in the roots of rock & roll, the revolutionary turning point where that music really blossomed and came into its own, the early-to-mid 1960's. We wanted to create a sound that combined our love of melodic, raw, real, guitar-oriented rock/pop, the precision and detail of those early British Invasion hits, topped with our own numerous and varied influences. We had met Masa (bass) years before and I used to run around the Sunset Blvd scene crossing paths with Pauly (drums) so everyone came together as acquaintances. Now we're a band of brothers who have evolved into our own unique entity. We couldn't imagine doing this with any other combination.

I Find your band name really catchy, it has a nice ring to it. Q:How did you all come up with the band name? A: That's a simple one! Coming up with a good band name, especially these days, is hell. I'm a huge fan of the old Twilight Zone series, and as I was watching them one night, the title came up: "The After Hours." It struck me like a bolt of lightning, and much to my surprise, the name had actually not been taken! So I snatched it up, and in a way the name helped define our sound and shape our world. Sexy, mysterious, a time warp, an inter-dimensional trip. That's it! Great episode too, starring Anne Francis from "Forbidden Planet". We love all that 50's/60's sci-fi stuff.

Q:How would you describe your sound to those who haven't heard your music yet? A: There's a serious lack of true blue rock & roll in the world these days. We try to serve as a reminder of the vitality of the genre, and do so by mixing a ton of sounds and influences. Catchy, high-energy, simple, dark at times, drenched in sweat and sex and shrouded in mystery. We're the anti-indie band the world seems to be crying out for. We're the show. We're the band that lets you know that you don't have to take yourself so damn seriously. We're the band that helps you escape, not the band that reminds you that you have bills to pay and the world is at war. There are plenty of bands for that. Too many, if you ask us. We are a rock & roll band steeped in the traditions of our forefathers, and our aim is to push the genre into the 21st century with no apologies.

Q:What was the craziest thing so far to happen on stage or in the crowd while performing live? Without going into too much detail, we were hired to play an event at a massive nudist resort last year. We learned that people come in all shapes and sizes...and not all of them are too pretty. You can let your imagination run wild from there...and no, we were not permitted to play naked. Bummer!

Q: If you could describe your band in three words what would they be?
 The After Hours.

Q: If you had the chance to tour around the world, where would you most be excited to travel to and why?
It would be incredible to play Tokyo! Japan takes their music very seriously, and they have a deep love and respect for bands, musicianship, and showmanship. Something sorely lacking in the western market. I think they love us there. And Masa's family could finally come see us!

And of course last but not least what kind of interviewer would I be if I didn't ask some fun and random questions?!

Q: Let's say the band was on its way to a show just driving along, and all of a sudden a UFO just comes down in the middle of the road! You then meet an Alien, and you had a chance to ask that Alien one question. What question would you ask?! Got room for four more?
Q: If every time the band walks into a room and a song would play, what song would be your band theme song?  A: I want to be cool and say something like "Secret Agent Man" but realistically it would probably be the Benny Hill theme or some shit.

Q: If your band was in a Horror Movie what Horror Movie would you want to be in and why? A: Probably "Scream" , we love a movie or any medium that's self aware and meta, and knows how to take itself just seriously enough, but never TOO seriously. That's kind of like us. Rock & roll music means a hell of a lot to a hell of a lot to people, but sometimes you need to let the stick slide out and remember that its all about fun, escape, and enjoying a brief moment in an all-to-serious world. And between the four of us, we know ALL the horror movie rules, so we'd get out okay as long as we don't deflower a virgin. And Neve Campbelle is hot.

And that's it Loves! I hope you enjoyed this story on the After Hours I had a blast doing it! Again thank you to the After Hours and to Bruce! You can find the AFTER HOURS and there music on: FACEBOOK - www.facebook.com/theafterhoursofficial
 TWITTER - @theafterhrs
 INSTAGRAM - @theafterhrs 

They will be playing at the Maui Sugar Mill Saloon in Tarzana on Saturday May 9th, & The Viper Room on Thursday May 28th with their good friends Prima Donna! Till next time Loves I will announce soon who's story is next so keep an eye out!

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