God has decided that it was time to take you to the land of everlasting life.
Its time for you to be free and suffer no more.
To be filled with joy and no more sorrow.
To feel love happiness and No more pain.
As you walk and travel your journey to the gates of Hevan, know that you are so much loved and will FOREVER be loved. Your spirit and memories will live on and that you will never be forgotten.
Oh how I miss you so much already. I cant help but go and check on you every now on then and cant pass your room without looking to see if you are ok. And although It hurts to see your empty bed or to walk around the house and not hear you or your tv with the novelas on. Know that I will and we all will be ok. Im sorry that I promised I wouldnt cry but know I dont cry out of sorrow and of not wanting to let go, its tears of joy and peace knowing you no longer havet to suffer and are in a better greater place now. I know you are soooo happy with ur honey Tata and with your parents grandparents and sibilings, everything you've ever dreamt of is coming true and everyone you missed sooo soo much is there at your side awaiting for your loving embrace to be reunited with you again.
I know youve heard me say I love you a thousand times but words will never express or show you how much love and respect I have and will forever have for you. You are one of the main people in my life that mean the world to me!!! I thank the hevans above for the Blessing of having you and Tata be My second Mother and Father. You both are together now and watching over us. You taught all the grandkids but especially Me Shell And Lexy on how to be the best person you could be and what the true meaning of a a Good Man and Women are. In my eyes you define strong,beautiful,caring,compassionate,gentle,smart,talented,and inspiring along with so much more. I've seen how you been through so much over the years every day. From every trip to the hospitol, to strokes and needle pricks and falls. All the pain you never deserved in this life that you endured and still came out on top and strong. You've moved me sooo much I hope to be even a drop of the women you are. You inspire me so much and have given me a reason to belive and fight this cancer. Along with Tata.
From him being in the war and fighting to fighting his disease to you fighting in life and you fighting your condition. You both have taught me how to be strong to fight and never give up. To believe that there is always Hope and light in even the most darkest places here on earth and in life. I will never once NOT ever be mad or hurt or want to change the past and everything that has happend with us taking care of you. Sometimes I wish we even did more or that we could have taken some of the pain that you both may have once had. I want you to know that My mom dad, shell,lexy and I will not and dont ever wish that things would have been different, we would all do it over in a heart beat. We may have not had a Normal childhood or life but Im so thankful to have learned the things we have learned with our expierences. I will never forget were we came from and where we will be going in life to make you both proud! I do make a promise that I will take care of my Mom the way you would look after her if you were here. I will make sure to do whatever whenever things she needs me to do or be there for her. I will make sure that she is well taken care of and to help her get to being herself and not worrying so much about things anymore.
As you watch over us every day from now on I know you will be here in spirit and know what we are up to and how we are doing. So dont worry we will be fine.
As for me I will be fine and I will be strong using you and Tata as my motivation and inspiration to beat this cancer. I will fight on and Make you proud.
I love you soooo much and I write this to show at least a lil of how much you mean to me,
I love you Nana say hi to Tata for me.
I love you both very much.
Love Olivia,
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