Hey Loves! Hope you Had an amazing Day today, I know I did!
Well back to where we left off,things did get worse before they got any better.Once I was diagnosed I was told I was going to have an emergency biopsy surgery due to the fact that it was not only the tumor in my neck, it was connected to an extremely larger tumor in my chest.
My surgeon and other Doctors were very concerned because for it to be that big I must have had it for a really long time without knowing.I think that was the first time shock hit me and I started to worry.I had to have my first surgery ever which was explained to me to be a risky procedure because the part they were cutting was surrounded by so many veins.
There was a slight chance that they could accidently cut a vein and have the risk of bleeding to death.
If that wasn't the worst of my worries that day got worse when I found out that the insurance I had sighned up for wasnt even covering me,the person that helped sighn me up didnt fill out the paper work right. So I was stuck with no insurance scared and had to postpone my surgery due to someone elses mistake.
(Most disgusting thing ever!)
So as stessful as it was there I was looking everywhere for insurance with my surgery in two weeks.
And let me tell you it was such a pain in the you know what knowing I couldn't afford half of them or the other half I didn't qaullify for. Finally! thank goodness! I found a discount program that was able to help me with paying for my surgery and help for what ever treatments I needed after.
I soon went into surgery which was successful! They removed the tumor in my neck and the bump was no longer there! Surgery was painful but thank goodness for pain killers! I remeber the only scarey part was when I started to wake up and the damn nurse expexted me to freakin sit up right away I felt like my neck was gonna rip open.
oh! and the scarey thougt of the next 2 days after that I was going to have to go through more testing and a bone marrrow procedure.
Then things got worse again that night when I woke up to my grandmother coughing up blood and was rushed to the hospitol due to Pneumonia.
I wont lie the bone marrow test hurt like a mother, along with all the needle stabs from blood work but its all worth it if thats what it takes to save your life.
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