As you already Know Im Liv,

You also know that I was diagnosed with cancer last year But Before we get more into that,What you don't know is Im a graphic designer and I love what I do!
Anything dealing with photography/art or anything of that sort Im in total Love with! I also graduated from a Medical School and have my CNA license.
I first started off in make up, which I will always love doing and sometimes still do. But eventually I got into graphic design and starded working on different projects.
But over time I decided to go back to school and try something new. I took a Medical course in Medical Assisting because
A. I needed a stable good set job
B. health insurance and other benefits
C. and because I always wanted to help people.
Well Loves guess what happend, graduted with all A's
set out to find me a job and was turned down on every single interview because had no pay experience.Not because I didn't have experience but that it wasn't paid exp.
Long story short it pissed me off that no one would give me a chance.I had worked so hard in school and out in volunteer work driven and determined and all for them to turn me down.
So as I continued to look for work, in the mean time I decided I would get back to what I left
behind my love and backround in graphic design and plans on creating a clothing line with my desighns.
And with what ever profit made I would take a good portion to donate to a charity!
I mean if no one was gonna hire me, why not work for my self and be able to do what I love and have a passion for. Then to top it all off be able to donate to charities and help people at the same time.
That would be my dream job! So as motivated,determined,and driven as I was I started the process,
That would be my dream job! So as motivated,determined,and driven as I was I started the process,
Which brings me to the unfortunate news of 2012!
As I was in the process in starting my clothing line things were going pretty good!
I was busy working on designs,getting the demos done, preping for photoshoots
and things seemed to be going well.
But I started to notice I was getting sick more frequently. My throat would hurt and something
just didnt feel right. I was told it was due to the flu or allergies, it wasnt untill one night I
noticed that my throat was so swollen on one side and that it looked like you shoved a tiny golf
ball down my throat! It was so horrific I thought I was seeing things because I
was still asleep.
so I wake up the next day and it was gone!I seriously thought it was a dream at
one point!
(I wish!!!)
There was not a trace of it what so ever didnt even hurt. So freaked out as much as I was!
I made an appointment to have things checked out and was told it was allergies again.
Time passed it was time for a follow up and out of nowhere it came back.
My doctor ordered me to do all sorts of CAT scans and test untill results came back it was a tumor and it was cancerous.......
As weird as this is gonna sound right now, instead of freaking out I was bursting with joy that
Thank God!! They finally found what was wrong. It wasnt a big shock to me when I got the news,
I had a really strong feeling ahead of time what it was I was just hoping I'd be wrong.
It came time to get real and put my life on hold,things were gonna have to get
worse before they got better and belive me they did.
Well loves I will stop here for the night in fear of your eyes bleeding for reading this looong post.I'll start back up tomorrow and I PROMISE they will all not be this long!! Hope you enjoyed reading the start of my journey
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