

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Beautiful People and A spark of Hope

Hey Loves!
Hope you are having an amazing day!
Well guess what?! Boy do I got some news for ya!
So today was decided that I will be re-doing the biopsy.
We are all hoping that this time it will work!
I will admit this time I'm a lil nervous, just because I know exactly what will be goin on.
Pluse the fact that I'll be awake through this with very low dose of pain meds is maken me wanna piss my pants!
Buuuuut then again to be honest I'm really excited
bout giving this a nother go!
Im reaaaally hoping this time it works because if not I'll be in a bad situation.
A. Because in order for this
not to work would mean they either peirced my lung or B. They went in and still couldnt reach for the tumor due to it being so deep inside the chest wall.
Also another reason to want this to work is if it fails again fo a second time, they will have to do major sugery and break my rib cage to get to the tumors just to get a sample annnd thats no bueno!!! Considering I still need intensive chemo right after that.
Sooo hopefully none of those happen fingers crossed!!!!!
So the count down begins and 6 days till biopsy #2!!!

On the upside of things!!!
Im very exsited to say that my brother-in-law's lovely sister and fam are planning  fundraisers
and all donations will go towards my medical expenses!!!
Also Im so thankful and blessed to also be having people  I dont even know giving me their support and prayers!!
It means soo much to me knowing that there are so many amazing people in this world who offer love and support to those they dont even know to get them through rough times. In my eyes that is a beautiful person not the money they give or anything like that but the support and good vibes they give and go out of their way to show you they care!
I'm so very blessed to have such a supportive and loving family as well as supportive friends.
they mean the world to me and are what keeps me going.

for making these amazing bows to help support!!
Add her on Instagram @nettymadethat
or get your self on over check out her website!!
Bows go on sale on Friday!

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