So as of lately its been getting hard, harder to breathe,sleep or even walk alot anymore.
Last night was one of the worst pains I have ever felt, my whole body was hurting and it felt like my body was giving out on me.
The more days come and go the more tired and more pain I'm in. Now with the biopsy done it does worry me knowing that these next few months will be pretty much hell going through chemo again.
But as much as it sucks, theres so much good that has come out of this expeirence (belive it or not) that I feel selfish to complain.
I once heard a cancer patient say that even though it was one of the most worst things in life she had ever had to go through, she was so thankful for the experience and the things she learned that she would do it all over again.
At first its hard to belive that anyone would be thankful for having cancer or the horrible things physically that come with it, but more than ever now I totally understand.
Today when logging on face book, KIK, Instagram and especially this here Blog I couldnt believe it!! I had soooo many loving comments and msgs from so many people they all were so SWEET AND AMAZING!
The blog is now at over a lil 2,000 page veiws and the fact that I've been getting so much love and support and even being able to reach out and speak to other cancer patients is just so awesome and blowing my mind!!
When I first decided to start this blog, I started not to get sympathy or have people feel bad for me but in hope that maybe someone just even one person that would stumble upon this would be inspired and become more aware about not only my type of cancer but all cancers. That maybe another cancer patient would see this and know their not alone. That even someone who has another type of illness and is fighting for good health is not alone.
All of us have our own battles to fight whether it be cancer, alzheimers,depression or even every day life problems. But its those hard times and rough situations that build us up and into stronger people, its up to us to use what weve learned from our expierences and to help eachother out.
As much as I hate having to go through this I wont ever regeret or wish I had another path. I now understand and also agree that I have to learned soooo much from this journey. To wish it never happend I would have never been able to meet or talk to the amazing people that I have beacuse of this journey. I may have even drifted from my dreams, or driffted away from knowing what was important in life.
Im so blessed that you loves give me so much love and support and especially HOPE. Also Im so happy and thankful that you loves take the time out to write me and keep reading these posts.
It means so much to me
I just want to say thank you!!!!!!!
Also a very huge thank you goes out to Hugo Centeno
and to all the Team Boss Army for all the love and support that you have been sending my way!!
You guys are to Sweet and Awesome!!!
Make sure to check out and support Hugo and become part of the Team Boss Army!!
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