

Monday, May 13, 2013

So Yesterday was Mothers day and it was a lovely day spent with my amayzing beautiful Mom!!!
I can honestly say that my Mom is the most amayzing women in the world I have ever known or layed eyes on!!
You think super women is bad ass, well she aint got notin on my MOM!!!
I could sit here and write about how shes the most beautiful or the most smartest and so on but that wouldnt do her justice shes just so much more than that or any of the complimented words I could come up with in this world.

I not only Love her but have nothing but the most biggest amount of respect for my Mom. Shes been through so much in her life as a child and a women and I commend her for being such a great person and Mother and not ever walking out on us or being consumed by materialistic things or being consumed by dumb things in the world.

She is the most loving and caring women, always going out of her way for her husband kids and family. Always making sure we are ok and going over and beyond than what some mothers due. Even in times we are  in the wrong she Will be there to help catch us when we fail or fall and is never judgmental.

She has always been nothing but supportive and has sacraficed so much for her family to make sure we are all ok and for that I could not express  the amount or love and appreciation that I have for her.

I love her so much for so many reasons, but most of all that I can call her my mom.
I'm very proud that I can call her my Mother. Infact I almost feel guilty that I have such an amayzing mom. It might sound a little selfish or maybe come off a bragging way but if you only knew how amayzing she was you would to!

She is just sooo beautiful inside and out its crazy. She is just so down to earth and has never been the type to be materialistic and would be happy with just a hug and a kiss.
She has been a care taker for my Grandfather (Tata) her dad and for her mom my (Nana) and now unfortunately me.

She has done and sacraficed so much in her life for others she deserves nothing but the best and deserves to just relax and retire and not worry about bills and everything bad that seems to come our way. I cant belive that she has to go through what my sickness is putting her through.

I could careless about what happens to me but to her or my dad and my sisters all I want is for them to be taken care of.
My family means the world to me especially my Mom and Dad.
Now If hes reading this dont get all jelouse I Love you to hahaha!!
My parents have been nothing but supportive and have been helping me through this journey in my life step by step. They have Been to every doctors appointment and every surgery and ER trip.
I will do what ever when ever I can to help them with what ever they need. I will not stop fighting or give up till I know they are taking care of. I love you Mommy and I hope you now that you and dad mean the world to me and theres nothing I wouldnt do for you.

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