Hey Loves!
Guess what!!!!
Biopsy #2 was successful!!
Yaaaaay!! Whooooot!! Whooot!!
Thank God for pulling me through this and having me come out ok!!!
I was soooo scared that this one would fail too and that I was going to have to go through the major surgery (breaking of the ribs) and them get a sample that way.
But it was all good news and Im over the moon excited about the results it was so worth it!!!
Although it hurt like a mother *BEEEEEEP*
and I was awake for it the whole time Im sooo glad that I still decided to go through with it. Not that I prob had a choice haha!!
Here was the Run Down:
Biopsy # 2 is a CT guided Biopsy.
Basically I would be awake throught this because I would have to work with the doc and nurses on my breathing technique. Every time I take a breathe they would insert a the needle deeper and deeper till they reached one of the tumors. Then they would extract a sample and that sample would get tested and would determine what kind of chemo I would need and to see how out of control the cancer is.
Well as you can tell being awake through this was kinda scarey but thank gooodness for the numbing shots!! They were my best friends today!!!!
Some parts werent as painful but some parts were!! Holy Moly!! But I think what helped prep me for this was the bone marrow test I had a while ago. Its hard to explaine but its a diff kind of pain, its alot of pressure pain mixed with some burning/sharp pains. Although I wanted to burst out a cry some of the time I kept it together and prayed the whole entire time!! I thank God for getting through this!! I concentrated so hard when it hurt and the next thing I knew they were done!!!
After all that pain and discomfurt im still feeling I was very surprised to see what the sample looked like hahaha!!!
You Loves ready!? Its not as bad as you think I promise!
TAH DAH!!!!!!
I was shocked when they said they got a really good sample I expected like somethin really big and grows, I mean it still was grows but so small!!
For that amount of pain I was like thats it??!!!
More than ever staring at that sample piece knowing that was the very thing that is growing inside me trying to take me down and destroy me made me feel the flames of anger rage inside me!!!
More than ever Im ready to take on this damn Bastard out!!!
You may have made me weak gnawing at me from the inside out
but even now IM STILL HERE!!! I wont go down without a fight
and cancer better be pissing in its pants because for every drop of chemo and treatments to come No matter how weak I get or much it hurts Ill be laughing knowing your the one now getting destroyed!!!!!!
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