Well Loves it was Biopsy #2
And sadly it didnt go well at all . . . .
The Plan was to stick a needle into the chest wall and into one of the chest tumors and extract fluid so that they could run some test to see what type or how strong of chemo I need.
As the procedure was going on the doc started to sadate me and started to numb the area they would be going into. I was told they wouldnt be giving me too strong of a dose of the medication to relax me,beacuse if i was to relaxed I wouldnt be able to coroporate.
It hurt a lil and yes I was awake through this procedure but it only hurt a lil and soon they gave me the good stuff and it wasnt so bad. It was nothing compared to the bone marrow test YIIIKES!!!
So basically loong story short they could not go through with the procedure due to the tumor being sooo close to my lung. It was to much of a health risk and would be indanger of getting my lung poked or something else.
As much as I try to stay positive there is always something to come on around and mess up my day or take any hope that I have.
I cant help but feel fustrated and scared knowing that they arent sure what they want or need to do next.
After all this I still have faith and hope, I wont ever give up.
Its just hard when none of the colors ever light up anymore in my world.
Buuuuuuuut I mean hey it could always be worse so Ima slap my self and move on with it!!!! What ever happens theres a reason and Belive me when I saaay Im trying to get the sneek peeks of the clothing line out They are comen!!!!!! So many set backs but who cares nows the time!! When ever soon or faaaar from now when my time comes I want to look back with no regrets this clothing line to me has been my dream for so long and I wont stop pushing for it!!!!!!
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